Feeling like a 2nd class citizen

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 18:24:33 UTC 2007

>  I am not yet sure that the best thing to do is to change (once and for
> all) the way my browsers identify themselves.
> I conclude that if neither Konq nor Firefox work I can try that trick.
An idea:
If you use Firefox, you can simultaneously use many "profiles" that can each 
have totally different settings. Actually, I am not sure if settings like 
browser identification will work this way, but you can try:

Hit Alt-F2 and type [firefox -a blah] without the brackets.

(There is a bug in the stock Firefox as of Gutsy (at least) and the usual 
command is [firefox -ProfileManager] so adjust as you need.)

Use the dialogue that opens to add a new profile. Then Start that profile. Go 
change the settings as you need for that profile and test it out.
(In future run FF with the -a blah to get the choice dialogue.)

You *should* be able to use that new profile for those few sites that just 
plain suck.


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