Photoshop was Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10

Derek Broughton news at
Mon Nov 12 01:00:55 UTC 2007

Andrew Jarrett wrote:

> On Nov 8, 2007 6:31 PM, Steven Vollom <stevenvollom at> wrote:
>> I mentioned Automatix2 earlier.  I went and looked and something is
>> offered that would allow you to use Office and Photoshop; it is free for
>> a month then sold at a very low cost.  You might look into it.  Jusy
>> Google *Automatix2*.  Steven
> You're probably referring to that unfree CodeWeavers thing.  It's kind
> of like wine

It's _not_ "kind of like wine".  It _is_ Wine.  With some preset configs
provided to support Office and similar.  It's _not_ unfree - imo it is
_exactly_ what Free software is supposed to be about.  (and if we all
boycotted Codeweavers on that basis, Wine would be pretty well useless -
they have turned over a great deal of work to the Wine devs).

> the OP should probably try wine first.

Worth the attempt, but if he has something that Wine doesn't handle yet, and
Crossover Office _does_, there's no reason he should avoid the Codeweavers

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