Trouble installing 7.10

D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Sun Nov 18 22:03:29 UTC 2007

Bruce Bales said the following at 11/18/2007 12:45 PM :
> Hi, Guys,
> I downloaded the iso for Kubuntu Gutsy 7.10 to update my Dapper 6.06 
> systems and burned the CD using k3b.  Spent an hour trying to get 
> that working0 and then downloaded another iso from another mirror and 
> got the same result.

What do you mean when you say that you spent an hour "trying to get that
working"? What didn't work:
  Didn't it boot?
  Did it fail during the installation?
  Did it install fine but fail to boot afterwards?

Please give us more information. I for one can't even guess what part of
the process failed, so I have no idea how to suggest you go about fixing it.


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