Feeling like a 2nd class citizen

Bjarne Wichmann Petersen kubuntu at mekanix.dk
Tue Nov 27 08:52:01 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 27 November 2007, Jonathan Jesse wrote:

> Is it just that I need to switch to Firefox on my Kubuntu install?  Or
> should I stick to browsing the web in my XP VM, cause things "just work"
> there.

It's quite interesting to read the responses to your post. I've been using 
Konqueror as my primary browser for the last 6-7 years. And I think it is 
doing really well. Though once in a while I encounter a 
non-standard-compliant (aka IE-only) website for which I then use Firefox.

So I'd say Konqueror is one of the best standard-compliant websites and 
my "web-sphere" apparently consist of mostly standard-compliant websites! :-)

My wife though, preferes Firefox, since she visits a lot of IE-only websites.


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