April 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Apr 1 00:34:11 BST 2006
Ending: Sun Apr 30 22:30:38 BST 2006
Messages: 613
- Easier internet configuration
Étienne Bersac
- Artwork shuffle?
Étienne Bersac
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Étienne Bersac
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Étienne Bersac
- breezys update-manager updated, please help testing
Étienne Bersac
- Default development language: AE <-> BE
Étienne Bersac
- [ubuntu-art] Recompressing PNGs to save space?
Étienne Bersac
- Administration Menu
Étienne Bersac
- usplash font suggestion
Étienne Bersac
- usplash font suggestion
Étienne Bersac
- Getting Started on X Window system
Étienne Bersac
- Getting Started on X Window system
Étienne Bersac
- GTK Icon Cache and dh_iconcache usage
Sebastian Dröge
- Graphical Xorg configuration Application
Josué Alcalde González
- summer time problem
João Pinto
- summer time problem
João Pinto
- Bugging questions
Loiosh dé Taltos
- Bugging questions
Loiosh dé Taltos
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Ricardo Pérez López
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Ricardo Pérez López
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Ricardo Pérez López
- What program shows this window?
Ricardo Pérez López
- What program shows this window?
Ricardo Pérez López
- UbuntuLiveChatSupport testing.
Ricardo Pérez López
- network-manager WPA support on dapper-main
Mario Đanić
- network-manager WPA support on dapper-main
Mario Đanić
- Ubuntu Certified Professionals
Mario Đanić
- [Fwd: Re: Artwork shuffle?]
Ante Karamatić
- [Fwd: Re: Artwork shuffle?]
Ante Karamatić
- Please test new cups packages
Ante Karamatić
- Please test new cups packages
Ante Karamatić
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Ante Karamatić
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Ante Karamatić
- network manager nm-applet alternative for the GNOMEless?
Ante Karamatić
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Ante Karamatić
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Ante Karamatić
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Ante Karamatić
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Ante Karamatić
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Ante Karamatić
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Ante Karamatić
- usplash font suggestion
Ante Karamatić
- Xen for Human Beings
Raphaël Pinson
- libnss_ldap
Timo Aaltonen
- libnss_ldap
Timo Aaltonen
- Easier internet configuration
Matic Ahacic
- Dapper on HP nx5000 laptop - ethernet not activate
Burn Alting
- GDM Options Section
Jonathon Anderson
- X.org fglrx manpage
Jonathon Anderson
- xorg.conf manpage
Jonathon Anderson
- deborphan+gtkorphan
Jonathon Anderson
- 10k open Ubuntu bugs
Jonathon Anderson
- Getting Started on X Window system
Jonathon Anderson
- What program shows this window?
Jimmy Angelakos
- Etch migration
Olafur Arason
- gaim 2.0.0 beta3 ubuntu debs available for trying
Sebastien Bacher
- gaim 2.0.0 beta3 ubuntu debs available for trying
Sebastien Bacher
- GTK Icon Cache and dh_iconcache usage
Sebastien Bacher
- GDM Options Section
Sebastien Bacher
- gaim 2.0.0 beta3 ubuntu debs available for trying
Sebastien Bacher
- Malone: Making Binary Package go away on bugs?
Sebastien Bacher
- What program shows this window?
Sebastien Bacher
- What program shows this window?
Sebastien Bacher
- GRRRR login/out sound
Sebastien Bacher
- Bugging questions
Sebastien Bacher
- Administration Menu
Sebastien Bacher
- Administration Menu
Sebastien Bacher
- Getting Started on X Window system
Daniel Lelis Baggio
- Ubuntu Certified Professionals
David Bain
- breezys update-manager updated, please help testing
David Bain
- installing on a macbook pro
George Barnett
- "the prescription" proposition
Boris Batkin
- SMFication Project registered + proposal
Erast Benson
- SMFication Project registered + proposal
Erast Benson
- SMFication Project registered + proposal
Erast Benson
- OpenSolaris distros collaboration by using launchpad.net
Erast Benson
- SMFication Project registered + proposal
Erast Benson
- SMFication Project registered + proposal
Erast Benson
- SMFication Project registered + proposal
Erast Benson
- SMFication Project registered + proposal
Erast Benson
- Xen for Human Beings
Erast Benson
- Xen for Human Beings
Erast Benson
- Xen for Human Beings
Erast Benson
- Xen for Human Beings
Erast Benson
- Xen for Human Beings
Erast Benson
- Endianess problem in linux-kernel-headers on ppc
Laurent Bigonville
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Mike Bird
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Mike Bird
- Bug Contact Subscriptions in Malone
Brad Bollenbach
- Malone: Making Binary Package go away on bugs?
Brad Bollenbach
- Malone: Making Binary Package go away on bugs?
Brad Bollenbach
- Malone: Making Binary Package go away on bugs?
Brad Bollenbach
- Malone: Making Binary Package go away on bugs?
Brad Bollenbach
- Malone: Making Binary Package go away on bugs?
Brad Bollenbach
- Please test new cups packages
Forest Bond
- Please test new cups packages
Forest Bond
- AMSN bad username or password
Bonilla, Alejandro
- Gnome panel system-wide settings
Hein-Pieter van Braam
- Artwork shuffle?
Hein-Pieter van Braam
- Xen for Human Beings
Hein-Pieter van Braam
- Xen for Human Beings
Hein-Pieter van Braam
- Firefox right-click disabled
Phil Bull
- Firefox right-click disabled
Corey Burger
- RFC for a branding gui tool
Corey Burger
- Etch migration
Marco Cabizza
- Etch migration
Marco Cabizza
- Gnome panel default configuration
Miguel Cabrera
- Gnome panel system-wide settings
Daniel Carrera
- Please test new cups packages
Pascal Cavy
- Default development language: AE <-> BE
Abel Cheung
- Default development language: AE <-> BE
Abel Cheung
- NTP server(s) to use
Abel Cheung
- FeatureSpecification: apt-third-party
Xavier Claessens
- mount NFS
Xavier Claessens
- Easier internet configuration
Jan Claeys
- Xorg error messages are poor.
Jan Claeys
- Tech support registration?
Jan Claeys
- Leaking beagled
Jan Claeys
- Please test new cups packages
Jan Claeys
- Please test new cups packages
Jan Claeys
- deborphan+gtkorphan
Jan Claeys
- UbuntuLiveChatSupport testing.
Jan Claeys
- UbuntuLiveChatSupport testing.
Jan Claeys
- UbuntuLiveChatSupport testing.
Jan Claeys
- suggestion - setup a bugs.ubuntu.com redirecting to
Robert Collins
- About the quick search bookmarks in Firefox
Andrew Conkling
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Andrew Conkling
- [Fwd: Out of Office AutoReply: bug in file when using -c]
Andrew Conkling
- gaim 2.0.0 beta3 ubuntu debs available for trying
Andrew Conkling
- gaim 2.0.0 beta3 ubuntu debs available for trying
Andrew Conkling
- About the quick search bookmarks in Firefox
Andrew Conkling
- About the quick search bookmarks in Firefox
Andrew Conkling
- Dapper 6.6 Flight 6 - Failed to install in Acer TravelMate 3210
Some Fixes in Dapper 6.06 04.10.06
Andrew Conkling
- funny colours in windows
Andrew Conkling
- brltty eats too much resources
Andrew Conkling
- Battery icon defaults
Andrew Conkling
- Battery icon defaults
Andrew Conkling
- What program shows this window?
Andrew Conkling
- network manager nm-applet alternative for the GNOMEless?
Andrew Conkling
- deborphan+gtkorphan
Andrew Conkling
- deborphan+gtkorphan
Andrew Conkling
- Xen for Human Beings
Andrew Conkling
- Bugging questions
Andrew Conkling
- md5 sums for dapper cd's??
Andrew Conkling
- Bug Voting
Keith Curtis
- dapper hibernate?
Dick Davies
- network manager nm-applet alternative for the GNOMEless?
Dick Davies
- Tech support registration?
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- Getting decent version of ipodder (i.e., castpodder) in Dapper
John DeCarlo
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Sylvain Defresne
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Andy Delcambre
- Getting decent version of ipodder (i.e., castpodder) in Dapper
Guillaume Desmottes
- NTP server(s) to use
Scott Dier
- Bug Voting
Scott Dier
- Bugging questions
Scott Dier
- Easier internet configuration
Bastian Doetsch
- Breezy to Dapper dist-upgrade report
Lionel Dricot
- suggestion - setup a bugs.ubuntu.com redirecting to
Lionel Dricot
- Bug Voting
Eric Dunbar
- Easier internet configuration
Matthew East
- FeatureSpecification: apt-third-party
Matthew East
- Tech support registration?
Matthew East
- Firefox startup page
Matthew East
- Firefox startup page
Matthew East
- Professionalism in the development version (was Re: Artwork
Matthew East
- AMSN bad username or password
Matthew East
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Matthew East
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Matthew East
- [Bug 39448] Re: Screen is not locked when it should be
Matthew East
- Battery icon defaults
Matthew East
- Battery icon defaults
Matthew East
- Battery icon defaults
Matthew East
- Default development language: AE <-> BE
Matthew East
- Xen for Human Beings
Matthew East
- Bugging questions
Matthew East
- Administration Menu
Matthew East
- Administration Menu
Matthew East
- multi-head tool
Simon Edwards
- Graphical Xorg configuration Application
Simon Edwards
- Please test new cups packages
Santiago Erquicia
- Leaking beagled
Paul Esson
- Leaking beagled
Paul Esson
- libnss_ldap
George Farris
- Leaking beagled
George Farris
- Artwork shuffle?
George Farris
- Please test new cups packages
George Farris
- Administration Menu
George Farris
- Administration Menu
George Farris
- Malone Package for Modem Monitor?
Licio Fernando
- Graphical Xorg configuration Application
Johannes Fortner
- Graphical Xorg configuration Application
Johannes Fortner
- Graphical Xorg configuration Application
Johannes Fortner
- Getting Started on X Window system
Matt Galvin
- Is this bugfix backported to the dapper kernel?
Matthew Garrett
- Problems on Sony VAIO VGN-FS660/W - 3d, hotkeys, sleep/hibernate
Matthew Garrett
- Change in acpi-support in Dapper - does your machine still boot?
Matthew Garrett
- Xorg error messages are poor
Paul van Genderen
- bug in file when using -c
Paul van Genderen
- [Fwd: Out of Office AutoReply: bug in file when using -c]
Paul van Genderen
- The state of surround sound in Ubuntu 6.06
Johann Gile
- The state of surround sound in Ubuntu 6.06
Johann Gile
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Stefan Glasenhardt
- Etch migration
Jerome Gotangco
- Artwork shuffle?
Jerome Gotangco
- GRRRR login/out sound
Jerome Gotangco
- network-manager WPA support on dapper-main
Oliver Grawert
- need local printing for LTSP
Oliver Grawert
- [Bug 39448] Re: Screen is not locked when it should be
Oliver Grawert
- RFC for a branding gui tool
Oliver Grawert
- NTP server(s) to use
Oliver Grawert
- RFC for a branding gui tool
Oliver Grawert
- Bugging questions
Oliver Grawert
- fontconfig (2.3.2-1.1ubuntu9) + evince
Wiktor Grebla
- About the quick search bookmarks in Firefox
Sami Haahtinen
- libnss_ldap
Sami Haahtinen
- Leaking beagled
Sami Haahtinen
- About the quick search bookmarks in Firefox
Sami Haahtinen
- bug 37762 - Beagle
Sami Haahtinen
- Firefox right-click disabled
James Hall
- Firefox right-click disabled
James Hall
- Please test new cups packages
James Hall
- usplash font suggestion
James Hall
- FeatureSpecification: apt-third-party
Jerry Haltom
- FeatureSpecification: apt-third-party
Jerry Haltom
- FeatureSpecification: apt-third-party
Jerry Haltom
- FeatureSpecification: apt-third-party
Jerry Haltom
- libnss_ldap
Jerry Haltom
- libnss_ldap
Jerry Haltom
- libnss_ldap
Jerry Haltom
- FeatureSpecification: apt-third-party
Jerry Haltom
- Graphical Xorg configuration Application
Jerry Haltom
- Firefox right-click disabled
Jerry Haltom
- Flight 6 Feedback (on a Dimension 9150)
Michael R. Head
- Beta BCM43xx Wireless Wrinkles...
Michael R. Head
- Bug Contact Subscriptions in Malone
Tollef Fog Heen
- network-manager WPA support on dapper-main
Tollef Fog Heen
- extra PAM modules
Tollef Fog Heen
- Please test new cups packages
Karl Hegbloom
- mzscheme install fails when slib is installed
Karl Hegbloom
- GTK Icon Cache and dh_iconcache usage
Sebastian Heinlein
- Default development language: AE <-> BE
Sebastian Heinlein
- Dapper -- Size of upgrade
Sebastian Heinlein
- UbuntuLiveChatSupport testing.
Joshua Henderson
- Administration Menu
Joshua Henderson
- Etch migration
Kai Hendry
- Etch migration
Kai Hendry
- Etch migration
Kai Hendry
- Etch migration
Kai Hendry
- libnss_ldap
Scott J. Henson
- libnss_ldap
Scott J. Henson
- Laying down my rights as package uploader for Main and Universe
Stephan Hermann
- Laying down my rights as package uploader for Main and Universe
Stephan Hermann
- NTP server(s) to use
Stephan Hermann
- 10k open Ubuntu bugs
Stephan Hermann
- Bug Voting
Stephan Hermann
- Planning Dapper+1
Raphael Hertzog
- Xen for Human Beings
Tom Hibbert
- Xen for Human Beings
Tom Hibbert
- GTK Icon Cache and dh_iconcache usage
Daniel Holbach
- GTK Icon Cache and dh_iconcache usage
Daniel Holbach
- GTK Icon Cache and dh_iconcache usage
Daniel Holbach
- GTK Icon Cache and dh_iconcache usage
Daniel Holbach
- Malone: Making Binary Package go away on bugs?
Daniel Holbach
- mzscheme install fails when slib is installed
Daniel Holbach
- Reducing the amount of NEEDINFO bugs
Daniel Holbach
- Dapper:Error on update
Daniel Holbach
- What's on-topic for u-d (was: Re: OOo2-amd64)
- Firefox right-click disabled
Ian Jackson
- Bugging questions
Ian Jackson
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Jamie Jones
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Jamie Jones
- Please test new cups packages
Andrew Jorgensen
- Please test new cups packages
Andrew Jorgensen
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Andrew Jorgensen
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Andrew Jorgensen
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Andrew Jorgensen
- UbuntuLiveChatSupport testing.
Joel Bryan Juliano
- UbuntuLiveChatSupport testing.
Joel Bryan Juliano
- UbuntuLiveChatSupport testing.
Joel Bryan T. Juliano
- UbuntuLiveChatSupport testing.
Joel Bryan T. Juliano
- UbuntuLiveChatSupport testing.
Joel Bryan T. Juliano
- UbuntuLiveChatSupport testing.
Joel Bryan T. Juliano
- Dapper, some errors
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- network-manager WPA support on dapper-main
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Etch migration
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Acer Aspire laptop wifi problem.
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Artwork shuffle?
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Dapper Install on toughbook cf-51
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Artwork shuffle?
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- installing on a macbook pro
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- SPARC SunFire v240 can't boot: Illegal Instruction
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- brltty eats too much resources
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- RFC for a branding gui tool
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- deborphan+gtkorphan
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Reducing the amount of NEEDINFO bugs
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Reducing the amount of NEEDINFO bugs
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Xen for Human Beings
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- (request) Reducing the amount of NEEDINFO bugs
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Reducing the amount of NEEDINFO bugs
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Bugging questions
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Dapper Live-CD Beta 2: System freezes randomly after a couple
of seconds while trying to use Gnome
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- UbuntuLiveChatSupport testing.
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Getting Started on X Window system
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Ubuntu Certified Professionals
Ante Karamatic
- hda5 mounted - e2fsck: aborting
Ante Karamatic
- Ubuntu Certified Professionals
Ante Karamatic
- Ubuntu Certified Professionals
Ante Karamatic
- hda5 mounted - e2fsck: aborting
Carl Karsten
- hda5 mounted - e2fsck: aborting
Carl Karsten
- hda5 mounted - e2fsck: aborting
Carl Karsten
- Quality Control Suggestion
Richard Kleeman
- Quality Control Suggestion
Richard Kleeman
- Test plan application [Was: Quality Control Suggestion]
Richard Kleeman
- Test plan application [Was: Quality Control Suggestion]
Richard Kleeman
- Test plan application [Was: Quality Control Suggestion]
Richard Kleeman
- Malone: Making Binary Package go away on bugs?
Matthias Klose
- Malone: Making Binary Package go away on bugs?
Matthias Klose
- Please test new cups packages
Matthias Klose
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Matthias Klose
- What program shows this window?
Matthias Klose
- Dapper Live-CD Beta 2: System freezes randomly after a couple of
seconds while trying to use Gnome
Dario Korati
- AW: Dapper Live-CD Beta 2: System freezes randomly after a coupleof
seconds while trying to use Gnome
Dario Korati
- What's on-topic for u-d (was: Re: OOo2-amd64)
Ivan Krstic
- Etch migration
Ivan Krstic
- hwdb is ported to NexentaOS
Ivan Krstic
- SMFication Project registered + proposal
Ivan Krstic
- SMFication Project registered + proposal
Ivan Krstic
- SMFication Project registered + proposal
Ivan Krstic
- Artwork shuffle?
Ivan Krstic
- Professionalism in the development version (was Re:
Artwork shuffle?)
Ivan Krstic
- NTP server(s) to use
Ivan Krstic
- SMFication Project registered + proposal
Ivan Krstic
- NTP server(s) to use
Ivan Krstic
- beagle still leaking
Ivan Krstic
- Xen for Human Beings
Ivan Krstic
- Bugging questions
Ivan Krstic
- Bugging questions
Ivan Krstic
- Test plan application [Was: Quality Control Suggestion]
Simon Law
- [Fwd: Re: Artwork shuffle?]
Gianmarco Leone
- Easier internet configuration
Krzysztof Lichota
- Graphical Xorg configuration Application
Krzysztof Lichota
- Graphical Xorg configuration Application
Krzysztof Lichota
- SMFication Project registered + proposal
Krzysztof Lichota
- libneon25 UVF exception
Matti Lindell
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Duncan Lithgow
- funny colours in windows
Duncan Lithgow
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Duncan Lithgow
- funny colours in windows
Duncan Lithgow
- Firefox right-click disabled
James "Doc" Livingston
- /etc/network/options changes
Trent Lloyd
- Edgy Spec Proposal/Discussion: Standard Menus in ALL Desktops
Trent Lloyd
- Current 15-20-smp kernel for PPC (Mac)
Dean Loros
- Please test new cups packages
Dean Loros
- Changelog attributions
Aigars Mahinovs
- Ubuntu Packaging Guide: call for review
Jordan Mantha
- Bugging questions
Jordan Mantha
- Dapper 6.6 Flight 6 - Failed to install in Acer TravelMate 3210
Some Fixes in Dapper 6.06 04.10.06
- deborphan+gtkorphan
Fabio Marzocca
- Battery icon defaults
Rui T. C. Matos
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Patrick McFarland
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Patrick McFarland
- how to request a package update?
Rakotomandimby Mihamina
- how to request a package update?
Rakotomandimby Mihamina
- About the quick search bookmarks in Firefox
Lei Ming
- About the quick search bookmarks in Firefox
Lei Ming
- brltty eats too much resources
Loïc Minier
- brltty eats too much resources
Loïc Minier
- Take this test
Soumyadip Modak
- gnome/xubuntu package duplication issue
Jani Monoses
- gnome/xubuntu package duplication issue
Jani Monoses
- advice needed: building two gnumeric binaries from same source
Jani Monoses
- Storage encryption
Filippo Spike Morelli
- Easier internet configuration
Srecko Morovic
- extra PAM modules
John Richard Moser
- extra PAM modules
John Richard Moser
- Easier internet configuration
John Richard Moser
- Easier internet configuration
John Richard Moser
- extra PAM modules
John Richard Moser
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
John Richard Moser
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
John Richard Moser
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Sandis Neilands
- Xorg error messages are poor.
Sandis Neilands
- Please test new cups packages
Bernd Niederberger
- Fwd: Flight 6 Feedback
- Flight 6 Feedback
- Leaking beagled
- Leaking beagled
- GRRRR login/out sound
- beagle still leaking
- DRI not working anymore
- FeatureSpecification: apt-third-party
John Nilsson
- Artwork shuffle?
Dana Olson
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Dana Olson
- Bugging questions
Henrik Nilsen Omma
- Firefox startup page
Michael V. De Palatis
- New user help center (Was Re: Firefox startup page)
Michael V. De Palatis
- Default development language: AE <-> BE
Michael V. De Palatis
- Dapper -- Size of upgrade
Michael V. De Palatis
- libnss_ldap
Matthew Palmer
- Xen for Human Beings
Matthew Palmer
- Xen for Human Beings
Matthew Palmer
- Xen for Human Beings
Matthew Palmer
- Easier internet configuration
Vassilis Pandis
- Please test new cups packages
Vassilis Pandis
- SPARC SunFire v240 can't boot: Illegal Instruction
Fabio Pedretti
- multi-head tool
Kasper Peeters
- no more libc5 support?
Kasper Peeters
- gnome/xubuntu package duplication issue
Martin Pitt
- Please test new cups packages
Martin Pitt
- Please test new cups packages
Martin Pitt
- Please test new cups packages
Martin Pitt
- Reducing the amount of NEEDINFO bugs
Martin Pitt
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Martin Pitt
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Martin Pitt
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Martin Pitt
- Xorg error messages are poor.
Pascal Potvin
- Xorg error messages are poor.
Pascal Potvin
- GTK Icon Cache and dh_iconcache usage
Stefan Potyra
- GTK Icon Cache and dh_iconcache usage
Stefan Potyra
- GTK Icon Cache and dh_iconcache usage
Stefan Potyra
- 10k open Ubuntu bugs
Andrew Price
- AW: Use of the CLI in Ubuntu (Was: ubuntu-desktop & brltty)
Casual Programmer
- libnss_ldap
Andy Rabagliati
- libnss_ldap
Andy Rabagliati
- libnss_ldap
Andy Rabagliati
- libnss_ldap
Andy Rabagliati
- libnss_ldap
Andy Rabagliati
- Releasing OpenOffice.org 2.0 in 7 Indian Languages
RKVS Raman
- Dapper Install on toughbook cf-51
- hotplug/automount
Scott James Remnant
- /etc/network/options changes
Scott James Remnant
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Scott James Remnant
- SMFication Project registered + proposal
Scott James Remnant
- Default development language: AE <-> BE
Scott James Remnant
- mount NFS
Scott James Remnant
- Bug Voting
Scott James Remnant
- Bugging questions
Scott James Remnant
- SMFication Project registered + proposal
Jacob Rideout
- Malone: Making Binary Package go away on bugs?
Scott Ritchie
- Is this bugfix backported to the dapper kernel?
Scott Robinson
- Artwork shuffle?
Scott Robinson
- Artwork shuffle?
Scott Robinson
- [Fwd: Re: Artwork shuffle?]
Scott Robinson
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Scott Robinson
- GRRRR login/out sound
Scott Robinson
- deborphan+gtkorphan
Scott Robinson
- usplash font suggestion
Scott Robinson
- usplash font suggestion
Scott Robinson
- Artwork shuffle?
Daniel Robitaille
- [Fwd: Re: Artwork shuffle?]
Daniel Robitaille
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Daniel Robitaille
- brltty eats too much resources
Daniel Robitaille
- Battery icon defaults
Daniel Robitaille
- 10k open Ubuntu bugs
Daniel Robitaille
- Bugging questions
Daniel Robitaille
- Quality Control Suggestion
Daniel Robitaille
- LiveCD customization and qemu(dapper)
Reza Roboubi
- What's on-topic for u-d (was: Re: OOo2-amd64)
Santiago Roza
- Easier internet configuration
Santiago Roza
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Santiago Roza
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Santiago Roza
- What program shows this window?
Santiago Roza
- Xen for Human Beings
Santiago Roza
- Feedback on Ubuntu Beta
Lukas Sabota
- What program shows this window?
Lukas Sabota
- What program shows this window?
Lukas Sabota
- Edgy Spec Proposal/Discussion: Standard Menus in ALL Desktops
Lukas Sabota
- [Bug 39448] Re: Screen is not locked when it should be
Andreas Schildbach
- Malone Package for Modem Monitor?
Andreas Schildbach
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Frank Schoep
- [ubuntu-art] Recompressing PNGs to save space?
Frank Schoep
- [ubuntu-art] Recompressing PNGs to save space?
Frank Schoep
- Problems on Sony VAIO VGN-FS660/W - 3d, hotkeys, sleep/hibernate
Stephen Shirley
- Bug forwarding methodology in Ubuntu (Re: 10k open Ubuntu bugs)
Mark Shuttleworth
- [ubuntu-art] Recompressing PNGs to save space?
Mark Shuttleworth
- Charting the future of Kubuntu
Mark Shuttleworth
- usplash font suggestion
Michiel Sikma
- usplash font suggestion
Michiel Sikma
- iptable problems
Thilo Six
- Acer Aspire laptop wifi problem.
Ian Soutar
- Tech support registration?
Ian Soutar
- multi-head tool
Rocco Stanzione
- Changelog attributions
Rocco Stanzione
- Changelog attributions
Rocco Stanzione
- Etch migration
Rocco Stanzione
- Malone: Making Binary Package go away on bugs?
Rocco Stanzione
- Bug Voting
Rocco Stanzione
- No Open Ports Policy
Rocco Stanzione
- need local printing for LTSP
Jason Stewart
- md5 sums for dapper cd's??
Jason Stewart
- Dapper, some errors
R. Stormo
- Dapper:Error on update
R. Stormo
- OOo2-amd64
Alexandre Strube
- Firefox 32 for Ubuntu on amd64?
Alexandre Strube
- Malone: Making Binary Package go away on bugs?
Alexandre Strube
- Firefox right-click disabled
Alexandre Strube
- how to request a package update?
Alexandre Strube
- Please test new cups packages
Mark Syms
- Xen for Human Beings
Reinhard Tartler
- Xen for Human Beings
Reinhard Tartler
- FeatureSpecification: apt-third-party
Jason Taylor
- Graphical Xorg configuration Application
Jason Taylor
- Meeting Minutes of First BugSquad meeting
Matthew Paul Thomas
- 10k open Ubuntu bugs
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Bugging questions
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Bugging questions
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Bugging questions
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Please test new cups packages
Alvin Thompson
- Gnome panel default configuration
Vincent Untz
- GTK Icon Cache and dh_iconcache usage
Vincent Untz
- NTP server(s) to use
Matthias Urlichs
- Bugging questions
Patrice VETSEL
- hwdb is ported to NexentaOS
Michael Vogt
- Gnome-app-install : duplicate packages
Michael Vogt
- breezys update-manager updated, please help testing
Michael Vogt
- breezys update-manager updated, please help testing
Michael Vogt
- Dapper on HP nx5000 laptop - ethernet not activate
Krzysztof Walo
- Fw: Focus in Dapper
Krzysztof Walo
- GTK Icon Cache and dh_iconcache usage
Travis Watkins
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Travis Watkins
- Leaking beagled
Travis Watkins
- Leaking beagled
Travis Watkins
- Battery icon defaults
Travis Watkins
- funny colours in windows
Travis Watkins
- Edgy Spec Proposal/Discussion: Standard Menus in ALL Desktops
Travis Watkins
- Edgy Spec Proposal/Discussion: Standard Menus in ALL Desktops
Travis Watkins
- ubuntu-server seeds merged into main Ubuntu seeds
Colin Watson
- no more libc5 support?
Colin Watson
- installing on a macbook pro
Colin Watson
- hda5 mounted - e2fsck: aborting
Colin Watson
- how to request a package update?
Colin Watson
- Demote libreiserfs0.3-0 from minimal to supported?
Colin Watson
- Bugging questions
Colin Watson
- md5 sums for dapper cd's??
Colin Watson
- libvirt [Was: Xen for Human Beings]
Jeff Waugh
- Test plan application [Was: Quality Control Suggestion]
Jeff Waugh
- Reminder: Dapper Status Update Meeting 13 April 2006 - 1400UTC
Jane Weideman
- [Fwd: Participate in Google Summer of Code]
Jane Weideman
- Gnome panel system-wide settings
Sitsofe Wheeler
- 10k open Ubuntu bugs
Sitsofe Wheeler
- Bug Voting
Sitsofe Wheeler
- (request) Reducing the amount of NEEDINFO bugs
Sitsofe Wheeler
- Bug Voting
Sitsofe Wheeler
- dapper hibernate?
Peter Whittaker
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Peter Whittaker
- LiveCD customization and qemu(dapper)
Tristan Wibberley
- Graphical Xorg configuration Application
Tristan Wibberley
- Graphical Xorg configuration Application
Tristan Wibberley
- language + other communication needs (Was: Default development
language: AE <-> BE)
Tristan Wibberley
- Beta BCM43xx Wireless Wrinkles...
Ben Woosley
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Luke Yelavich
- Easier internet configuration
Andrew Zajac
- Artwork shuffle?
Florian Zeitz
- FeatureSpecification: apt-third-party
Matt Zimmerman
- Changelog attributions
Matt Zimmerman
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Matt Zimmerman
- ubuntu-desktop depends on bicyclerepair?
Matt Zimmerman
- Firefox right-click disabled
Matt Zimmerman
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Matt Zimmerman
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
Matt Zimmerman
- [Bug 39448] Re: Screen is not locked when it should be
Matt Zimmerman
- Beta BCM43xx Wireless Wrinkles...
Matt Zimmerman
- NTP server(s) to use
Matt Zimmerman
- SMFication Project registered + proposal
Matt Zimmerman
- GRRRR login/out sound
Matt Zimmerman
- deborphan+gtkorphan
Matt Zimmerman
- Please test new cups packages
Matt Zimmerman
- how to request a package update?
Matt Zimmerman
- 10k open Ubuntu bugs
Matt Zimmerman
- Bug forwarding methodology in Ubuntu (Re: 10k open Ubuntu bugs)
Matt Zimmerman
- Bug forwarding methodology in Ubuntu (Re: 10k open Ubuntu bugs)
Matt Zimmerman
- Reducing the amount of NEEDINFO bugs
Matt Zimmerman
- Reducing the amount of NEEDINFO bugs
Matt Zimmerman
- [ubuntu-art] Recompressing PNGs to save space?
Matt Zimmerman
- Bug Voting
Matt Zimmerman
- Bug Voting
Matt Zimmerman
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Matt Zimmerman
- No Open Ports Policy
Matt Zimmerman
- Bugging questions
Matt Zimmerman
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Matt Zimmerman
- Demote libreiserfs0.3-0 from minimal to supported?
Matt Zimmerman
- cupsys - enable browsing or not?
Matt Zimmerman
- Bugging questions
Matt Zimmerman
- [ubuntu-art] Recompressing PNGs to save space?
Matt Zimmerman
- Bugging questions
Matt Zimmerman
- Bugging questions
Matt Zimmerman
- Bugging questions
Matt Zimmerman
- Bugging questions
Matt Zimmerman
- Bugging questions
Matt Zimmerman
- Bugging questions
Matt Zimmerman
- Collaboration with upstream projects (Re: 10k open Ubuntu bugs)
Matt Zimmerman
- advice needed: building two gnumeric binaries from same source
Matt Zimmerman
- Quality Control Suggestion
Matt Zimmerman
- Quality Control Suggestion
Matt Zimmerman
- The state of surround sound in Ubuntu 6.06
crimsun at fungus.sh.nu
- Changelog attributions
Barry deFreese
- 10k open Ubuntu bugs
john e
- Ubuntu Certified Professionals
email.listen at googlemail.com
- Ubuntu Certified Professionals
email.listen at googlemail.com
- hotplug/automount
- xorg.conf manpage
- Leaking beagled
- Use of the CLI in Ubuntu (Was: ubuntu-desktop & brltty)
- Use of the CLI in Ubuntu (Was: ubuntu-desktop & brltty)
- Dapper -- Size of upgrade
- bug 37762 - Beagle
- ubuntu-desktop & brltty
- Please test new cups packages
- NTP server(s) to use
smurf at smurf.noris.de
- Take this test
soumyadip.modak at gmail.com
- Acer Aspire laptop wifi problem.
- Firefox startup page
Last message date:
Sun Apr 30 22:30:38 BST 2006
Archived on: Sun Apr 30 22:45:55 BST 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).