Easier internet configuration

Bastian Doetsch bastian.doetsch at gmx.de
Sun Apr 2 20:03:24 BST 2006

Am Sonntag, den 02.04.2006, 19:38 +0200 schrieb Krzysztof Lichota:
> Santiago Roza napisaƂ(a):
> > here in argentina the situation is very similar: many adsl connections
> > use modems that connect through pppoe.
> > 
> > and it's even worse because most of those modems aren't detected
> > (out-of-the-box) by any linux distro.
> The same in Poland. The largest ISP (I estimate a few hundred thousands
> customers) is using USB modem with PPPoE.
> Regards
> 	Krzysztof Lichota

just for info, afaik in germany all dsl lines face the same problem as
well: t-online, alice, etc. all use dsl modems + line splitter, seldom
with any pppoe functionality built-in. 

so it is not an unlikely case, but it seems like most european broadband
providers use this kind of dial-in equipment.

best regards,

"Every thing possible to be believ'd is an image of truth."
- William Blake

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