February 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Feb 1 00:18:49 UTC 2006
Ending: Tue Feb 28 23:07:28 UTC 2006
Messages: 525
- How to get my system to boot from the CD
< CeeTee >
- Installing Firefox 1.5
< CeeTee >
- Some wierd messages when I start Konsole -- Pls chk
< CeeTee >
- Installing kubuntu
Ananth A
- how to disable media:/ feature?
- how to disable media:/ feature?
- report, bugs, funny stuff
- report, bugs, funny stuff
- Firefox 1.5 under Breezy
Art Alexion
- on error KsCD becomes unkillable and causes umount to fail on shutdown...
Art Alexion
- some KDE questions
Art Alexion
- how to disable media:/ feature?
Art Alexion
- Firefox 1.5 under Breezy
Art Alexion
- k3b CD-Text bug?
Art Alexion
- on error KsCD becomes unkillable and causes umount to fail on shutdown...
Art Alexion
- kdm login photo
Art Alexion
- how to disable media:/ feature?
Art Alexion
- seg fault and panic after upgrading to kde 3.5.1 in dapper
Art Alexion
- Since I can't stop Kscd from intermittently crashing tmpfs, is there a reasonable alternative cd player for kubuntu???
Art Alexion
- CD tray keeps opening randomly
Art Alexion
- CD tray keeps opening randomly
Art Alexion
- CD tray keeps opening randomly
Art Alexion
- tellico or alternative
Art Alexion
- tellico or alternative
Art Alexion
- tellico or alternative
Art Alexion
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Art Alexion
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Art Alexion
- tellico or alternative
Art Alexion
- tellico or alternative
Art Alexion
- tellico or alternative
Art Alexion
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Art Alexion
- qtparted
Art Alexion
- qtparted
Art Alexion
- tellico or alternative
Art Alexion
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Art Alexion
- tellico or alternative
Art Alexion
- tellico or alternative
Art Alexion
- session manager question [breezy/KDE3.5.1]
Art Alexion
- session manager question [breezy/KDE3.5.1]
Art Alexion
- post install question about printers
Art Alexion
- amarok & ipod
Art Alexion
- Find & Replace
Art Alexion
- Audio Streaming Choppy
Art Alexion
- Audio Streaming Choppy
Art Alexion
- sbackup
Art Alexion
- konqueror multiple panes.
Vincent Arnoux
- GCC Compilation
Serg B.
- SMP kernel
Pavan Balaji
- Monitor Blank
Dick Barmann
- Makedev, USB Cameras and Viewing Images
Achim Bohnet
- Makedev and My Digital Camera
Achim Bohnet
- how to disable media:/ feature?
Derek Broughton
- how to disable media:/ feature?
Derek Broughton
- k3b CD-Text bug?
Derek Broughton
- Mount points for USB media
Derek Broughton
- how to disable media:/ feature?
Derek Broughton
- tellico or alternative
Derek Broughton
- tellico or alternative
Derek Broughton
- tellico or alternative
Derek Broughton
- tellico or alternative
Derek Broughton
- tellico or alternative
Derek Broughton
- Turning off touchpad tapping?
Derek Broughton
- tellico or alternative
Derek Broughton
- Turning off touchpad tapping?
Derek Broughton
- tellico or alternative
Derek Broughton
- tellico or alternative
Derek Broughton
- Installing KDE 3.5
Derek Broughton
- kmail
Derek Broughton
- Accessing mail remotely
Derek Broughton
- Accessing mail remotely
Derek Broughton
- Accessing mail remotely
Derek Broughton
- trying to add KDE to installed ubuntu
Derek Broughton
- What's up with /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1 ?
Derek Broughton
- adept in read only mode
- adept in read only mode
- boot problem
Juan Carlos
- Kaffeine problems - DVD and local avi
Andy Choens
- Kaffeine problems - DVD and local avi
Andy Choens
- kmail
Andy Choens
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Dotan Cohen
- Switching interface language to Hebrew
Dotan Cohen
- Installing Opera
Dotan Cohen
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Dotan Cohen
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Dotan Cohen
- Installed 5.10 Today and Windows is not in the GRUB menu
Dotan Cohen
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Dotan Cohen
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Dotan Cohen
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Dotan Cohen
- Amarok in Hebrew
Dotan Cohen
- Kaffeine problems - DVD and local avi
Dotan Cohen
- Installing KDE 3.5
Dotan Cohen
- Installing KDE 3.5
Dotan Cohen
- Installing KDE 3.5
Dotan Cohen
- Installing KDE 3.5
Dotan Cohen
- Installing KDE 3.5
Dotan Cohen
- Kaffeine problems - DVD and local avi
Dotan Cohen
- USB Disk On Key encoding problem
Dotan Cohen
- Installing KDE 3.5
Dotan Cohen
- USB Disk On Key encoding problem
Dotan Cohen
- USB Disk On Key encoding problem
Dotan Cohen
- Installing Kcolorchooser
Dotan Cohen
- Installing Kcolorchooser
Dotan Cohen
- Installing Kcolorchooser
Dotan Cohen
- Starting/ Stopping Apache
Dotan Cohen
- Starting/ Stopping Apache
Dotan Cohen
- Starting/ Stopping Apache
Dotan Cohen
- Giving user permission to write to /var/www
Dotan Cohen
- Kaffeine problems - DVD and local avi
Dotan Cohen
- Accessing mail remotely
Dotan Cohen
- Giving user permission to write to /var/www
Dotan Cohen
- Accessing mail remotely
Dotan Cohen
- Accessing mail remotely
Dotan Cohen
- Accessing mail remotely
Dotan Cohen
- fstab help with Hebrew VFAT partitions
Dotan Cohen
- [OBORONA-SPAM] Re: Accessing mail remotely
Dotan Cohen
- winetools
Dotan Cohen
- Keyboard Volume keys
Dotan Cohen
- Keyboard Volume keys
Dotan Cohen
- Keyboard Volume keys
Dotan Cohen
- Keyboard Volume keys
Dotan Cohen
- Where is printerdb_cups.txt supposed to go?
Dotan Cohen
- Where is printerdb_cups.txt supposed to go?
Dotan Cohen
- Canon i250
Alfredo Cole
- Installing KDE 3.5
Richard S. Crawford
- Please don't top-post
Noah Dain
- Find & Replace
- Test
- Find & Replace
- trying to add KDE to installed ubuntu
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- Wastebin wobblyness ?
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- hei guys
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- klik in dapper
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- some KDE questions
John DeCarlo
- Kubuntu boots only in recovery mode
John DeCarlo
- KDE 3.5.1 and Knemo
John DeCarlo
- users and root
John DeCarlo
- Where is printerdb_cups.txt supposed to go?
John DeCarlo
- [OBORONA-SPAM] Re: Makedev, USB Cameras and Viewing Images
Gabriel Dragffy
- [OBORONA-SPAM] grub gui
Gabriel Dragffy
- [OBORONA-SPAM] Re: Accessing mail remotely
Gabriel Dragffy
- [OBORONA-SPAM] Re: what on earth??
Gabriel Dragffy
- [OBORONA-SPAM] Re: a question of backup
Gabriel Dragffy
- a question of backup
Gabriel Dragffy
- [OBORONA-SPAM] Re: a question of backup
Gabriel Dragffy
Gabriel Dragffy
- kgpg forgetting settings
Gabriel Dragffy
- Kubuntu default look
Craig Drummond
- Kubuntu default look
Craig Drummond
- configuring wireless
Simon Edwards
- a question of backup
Jordi Ferrando
- Wireless Network Problem (ipw2200)
Erik Fossvold
- Monitor power management
Martin Foster
- Monitor power management
Martin Foster
- Backports
Kelly L. Fulks
- how to disable media:/ feature?
Donatas G.
- Solving media:/ not showing media
Donatas G.
- Solving media:/ not showing media
Donatas G.
- display with Kubuntu live CD
Donatas G.
- a question of backup
Donatas G.
- display with Kubuntu live CD
Donatas G.
- Problem finishing installation
Purnendu Ghosh
- (K)ubuntu and SCSI drive only machine
Harry Giles
- Mount points for USB media
Jose Gomez-Dans
- Monitor Blank
Dan Gordon
- SMP kernel
Yevern Govender
- CD tray keeps opening randomly
James Gray
- Can't find network card
James Gray
- Can't find network card
James Gray
- Can't find network card
James Gray
- Find & Replace
James Gray
- kwallet keeps asking for a password.
James Gray
- kmail settings
James Gray
- Updates
James Gray
- WPA problem
James Gray
- Wireless Network Problem (ipw2200)
James Gray
- A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
James Gray
- kmail & kaddressbook issues
James Gray
- without X
James Gray
- Find & Replace
James Gray
- Re-iterating the "Warning": Was Re: A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
James Gray
- Re-iterating the "Warning": Was Re: A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
James Gray
- what on earth??
James Gray
- What's up with /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1 ?
James Gray
- Kubuntu boots only in recovery mode
Wafa Hakim
- Kubuntu boots only in recovery mode
Wafa Hakim
- on error KsCD becomes unkillable and causes umount to fail on shutdown...
Wafa Hakim
- desktop not refreshing, mimes screwed up?
Wafa Hakim
- WPA problem
Wafa Hakim
- Can't find network card
- Installing Opera
- System fails to load modules at boot
- Installing KDE 3.5
- (K)ubuntu and SCSI drive only machine
- Fwd: Re: (K)ubuntu and SCSI drive only machine
- (K)ubuntu and SCSI drive only machine
- Canon i250
- Solving media:/ not showing media
Steven Hellingh
- kmail & kaddressbook issues
Steven Hellingh
- Solving media:/ not showing media
Jorge Tomé Hernando
- KDE screensaver logs?
Jorge Tomé Hernando
- Configuring Wireless
- Keyboard Volume keys
Mats Holmberg
- dmesg:swsusp: Suspend partition has wrong signature? But I don't have a suspend partition????
Martin J Hooper
- Backports
Martin J Hooper
- DVD download
Martin J Hooper
- DVD download
Martin J Hooper
- (no subject)
Malcolm Hunter
- Oops.. Re: (no subject)
Malcolm Hunter
- Installing kubuntu
Malcolm Hunter
- Partition
Malcolm Hunter
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Michal Janda
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Michal Janda
- USB Disk On Key encoding problem
Michal Janda
- USB Disk On Key encoding problem
Michal Janda
- Installing KDE 3.5
- KDE screensaver logs?
- Can't find network card
- Installing Firefox 1.5
- A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- grub gui
- Keyboard Volume keys
- kate: show all characters
- Makedev, USB Cameras and Viewing Images
Irena and Richard Jenkins
- (no subject)
Jonathan Jesse
- Question on connecting to an Exchange server
Jonathan Jesse
- on error KsCD becomes unkillable and causes umount to fail on shutdown...
- on error KsCD becomes unkillable and causes umount to fail on shutdown...
- Since I can't stop Kscd from intermittently crashing tmpfs, is there a reasonable alternative cd player for kubuntu???
- on error KsCD becomes unkillable and causes umount to fail on shutdown...
- Since I can't stop Kscd from intermittently crashing tmpfs, is there a reasonable alternative cd player for kubuntu???
- Since I can't stop Kscd from intermittently crashing tmpfs, is there a reasonable alternative cd player for kubuntu???
- Screensaver doesn't work on KDE 3.5
- ??power fail->fsck = lost time format and kde global keyboard shortcut settings??
- Find & Replace
- Backports
Howard Coles Jr.
- Backports
Howard Coles Jr.
- dev null set to wrong permissions
Howard Coles Jr.
Howard Coles Jr.
Howard Coles Jr.
Howard Coles Jr.
Howard Coles Jr.
- configuring wireless
Howard Coles Jr.
- Audio Streaming Choppy
Howard Coles Jr.
- Audio Streaming Choppy
Howard Coles Jr.
- Audio Streaming Choppy
Howard Coles Jr.
- what on earth??
Howard Coles Jr.
- [OBORONA-SPAM] Re: what on earth??
Howard Coles Jr.
- WPA problem
Jochen Kaechelin
- Dual head xorg
Paul Kaplan
- Installing kubuntu
Paul Kaplan
- Installing kubuntu
Paul Kaplan
- Partition
Paul Kaplan
- Partition
Paul Kaplan
- Problem finishing installation
Paul Kaplan
- Problem finishing installation
Paul Kaplan
- Problem finishing installation
Paul Kaplan
- Problem finishing installation
Paul Kaplan
- Can't find network card
Paul Kaplan
- Can't find network card
Paul Kaplan
- System fails to load modules at boot
Paul Kaplan
- configuring wireless
Paul Kaplan
- apt-get hanging
Paul Kaplan
- USB mount problem since SATA hdd install.
Mark Kelly
- Starting/ Stopping Apache
Mark Kelly
- KDE 3.5.1 and Knemo
Ruud Koendering
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Jochen Kächelin
- konqueror multiple panes.
- konqueror multiple panes.
- mail bouncing
- konqueror multiple panes.
- kdm login photo
- [kubuntu-users] mail bouncing
- konqueror multiple panes.
- ndiswrapper install problem.
- apt-get hanging
Ingo Lantschner
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Stratos Laspas
- Installing Firefox 1.5
Stratos Laspas
- grub boot windows on ITE 8212F RAID
Stratos Laspas
- about update
Stratos Laspas
- grub gui
Stratos Laspas
- Keyboard Volume keys
Stratos Laspas
- Keyboard Volume keys
Stratos Laspas
- Question on connecting to an Exchange server
Stratos Laspas
Dana J. Laude
- Installing KDE 3.5
David Mackie
- (K)ubuntu and SCSI drive only machine
Greg Madden
- Turning off touchpad tapping?
Justin Mason
- Turning off touchpad tapping?
Chuck Mattsen
- Turning off touchpad tapping?
Chuck Mattsen
- Turning off touchpad tapping?
Chuck Mattsen
- Installing KDE 3.5
Chuck Mattsen
- printing
Fred McDavid
- printing
Fred McDavid
- changing/adding menu items
Bryann Melvin
- KDE screensaver logs?
Gustav H Meyer
- KDE screensaver logs?
Gustav H Meyer
- Find & Replace
Gustav H Meyer
- Something new for the day - Digraphs
Gustav H Meyer
- a question of backup
Gustav H Meyer
- a question of backup
Gustav H Meyer
- a question of backup
Gustav H Meyer
- grub gui
Gustav H Meyer
- nvidia drivers ....
Matti Moell
- users and root
Luca Mollica
- users and root
Luca Mollica
- nvidia drivers ....
Luca Mollica
- nvidia drivers ....
Luca Mollica
- some KDE questions
Javier Monteagudo
- *Announce* German speaking Maillinglist
Andreas Mueller
- ClamAV
boilerhouse (sent by Nabble.com)
- trying to add KDE to installed ubuntu
Dale Pace
- Please don't top-post
Robert Parker
- hei guys
Robert Parker
- Installing KDE 3.5
Robert Parker
- amd 64 bit and Brother printer
Robert Parker
- amd 64 bit and Brother printer
Robert Parker
- (K)ubuntu and SCSI drive only machine
Jago Pearce
- about update
Jeyson D. Polanco
- without X
Jeyson D. Polanco
- Updates
- Updates
- Real easy question about low-sensativity touchpad on laptop, using Dapper Flight 4 :)
Ryan R
- USB mount problem - back to microsoft?
Dominik Raffelsbauer
- Konversation 0.19 for breezy?
Joergen Ramskov
- [kubuntu-users] Re: Konversation 0.19 for breezy?
Joergen Ramskov
- Running wine out of KCron
David A' Rebel
- Running wine out of KCron
David A' Rebel
- report, bugs, funny stuff
David A' Rebel
- ?
David A' Rebel
- Wastebin wobblyness ?
David A' Rebel
- Wastebin wobblyness ?
David A' Rebel
- changing/adding menu items
David A' Rebel
- KDE 3.5.1 and Knemo
David A' Rebel
- Installing Kcolorchooser
David A' Rebel
- Installing Kcolorchooser
David A' Rebel
- Starting/ Stopping Apache
David A' Rebel
- Updates
David A' Rebel
- Updates
David A' Rebel
- Updates
David A' Rebel
- grub gui
David A' Rebel
David A' Rebel
- display with Kubuntu live CD
Lisi Reisz
- display with Kubuntu live CD
Lisi Reisz
- CD tray keeps opening randomly
Kim Rendell
- Question on connecting to an Exchange server
Luka Renko
- trying to add KDE to installed ubuntu
Luka Renko
- [kubuntu-users] mail bouncing
Jonathan Riddell
- [kubuntu-users] Re: Konversation 0.19 for breezy?
Jonathan Riddell
- [kubuntu-users] Re: tellico or alternative
Jonathan Riddell
- Forward: k-help! kbuntu printer dies on AMD-64
Jonathan Riddell
- How to get my system to boot from the CD
Jay Ridgley
- more installing from a SCSI CD-ROM
Jay Ridgley
- more Installing from a SCSI CD-ROM
Jay Ridgley
- More Installing from a SCSI CD-ROM
Jay Ridgley
- changing display resolution
Jay Ridgley
- post install question about printers
Jay Ridgley
- post install question about printers
Jay Ridgley
- Install experience notes
Jay Ridgley
- sbackup
Jay Ridgley
- Giving user permission to write to /var/www
Claudia Ringwald
- XGL?
S. D. Rose
- Startup resolution
- Startup resolution - solved
- trying to add KDE to installed ubuntu
- trying to add KDE to installed ubuntu
- winetools
Simon Rönnqvist
- What's up with /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1 ?
Simon Rönnqvist
- What's up with /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1 ?
Simon Rönnqvist
- changing/adding menu items
Lucia Sanchez
- trying to add KDE to installed ubuntu
Johannes Schill
- qtparted
Rafael Alexandre Schmitt
- booting ..
Carl A. Schreiber
- Kubuntu default look
Ingeniería de Sistemas
- Mount points for USB media
Thilo Six
- adept in read only mode
Thilo Six
- changing display resolution
Thilo Six
- changing display resolution
Thilo Six
- SOLVED: changing display resolution
Thilo Six
- OT: post install question about printers
Thilo Six
- ??? Returned mail: see transcript for details ?
Thilo Six
- grub gui
Thilo Six
- seg fault and panic after upgrading to kde 3.5.1 in dapper
Bas Spitters
- Xinerama and kubuntu
Bas Spitters
- ?
Paul Stan
- adept in read only mode
Simon Taplin
- adept in read only mode
Simon Taplin
- adept in read only mode
Simon Taplin
- Accessing mail remotely
Mitch Thompson
- Accessing mail remotely
Mitch Thompson
- [OBORONA-SPAM] Re: Accessing mail remotely
Mitch Thompson
- [OBORONA-SPAM] Re: Accessing mail remotely
Mitch Thompson
- Lirc
- ktorrent problem
Ted Treadwell
- ktorrent problem
Ted Treadwell
- ktorrent problem
Ted Treadwell
- WPA problem
Matt Treml
- Please don't top-post
Steve Tripp
- Screensaver doesn't work on KDE 3.5
Joseph Vella
- Turning off touchpad tapping?
Joseph Vella
- really slick screensavers
Joseph Vella
- really slick screensavers
Joseph Vella
- what on earth??
Joseph Vella
- [OBORONA-SPAM] Re: what on earth??
Joseph Vella
- sbackup
Joseph Vella
- kmail settings
John L Vifian
- Installing kubuntu
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Installing kubuntu
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Installing kubuntu
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Partition
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Kubuntu boots only in recovery mode
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Partition
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Partition
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Problem finishing installation
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Problem finishing installation
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Can't find network card
Harry Vorstenbosch
- How to get my system to boot from the CD
Harry Vorstenbosch
- printing
Harry Vorstenbosch
- (K)ubuntu and SCSI drive only machine
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Panasonic KX-7305
Harry Vorstenbosch
- (K)ubuntu and SCSI drive only machine
Harry Vorstenbosch
- printing
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Printing
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Panasonic KX-7305
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Printer Type Panasonic KX-7305
Harry Vorstenbosch
- more Installing from a SCSI CD-ROM
Harry Vorstenbosch
Harry Vorstenbosch
- More Installing from a SCSI CD-ROM
Harry Vorstenbosch
- DVD download
Harry Vorstenbosch
- CD doesn't start
Harry Vorstenbosch
- DVD download
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Forward: k-help! kbuntu printer dies on AMD-64
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Forward: k-help! kbuntu printer dies on AMD-64
Harry Vorstenbosch
- Fw: Forward: k-help! kbuntu printer dies on AMD-64
Harry Vorstenbosch
- post install question about printers
Harry Vorstenbosch
- amd 64 bit and Brother printer
Harry Vorstenbosch
- [OBORONA-SPAM] grub gui
Brad De Vries
- Audio Streaming Choppy
Brad De Vries
- Pseudo-transparance issue
Dawid Wróbel
- KDM preloading support
Dawid Wróbel
- Installing Opera
Dawid Wróbel
- desktop not refreshing, mimes screwed up?
Todd Yarling
- konqueror multiple panes.
Liz Young
- konqueror multiple panes.
Liz Young
- konqueror multiple panes.
Liz Young
- Please don't top-post
Liz Young
- qtparted
Liz Young
- Kubuntu default look
Liz Young
- Starting/ Stopping Apache
mark anderson
- sound driver
- (no subject)
jbuck814366460 at aol.com
- how to disable media:/ feature?
- Monitor power management
paul cooke
- Re-iterating the "Warning": Was Re: A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
paul cooke
- Can't find network card
guido dom
- Can't find network card
guido dom
- Can't find network card
guido dom
- Kubuntu installer CD guide
- Cool&quiet with vcore change (like rmclock)
Inter filmati
- cool&quiet with vcore changing
Inter filmati
- kernel2.6.15 and sdb1 not mounting
Inter filmati
- Fw: kernel2.6.15 and sdb1 not mounting
Inter filmati
- a question of backup
- what on earth??
- what on earth??
- Firefox 1.5 under Breezy
monotux at gmail.com
- Konversation 0.19 for breezy?
monotux at gmail.com
- how to disable media:/ feature?
monotux at gmail.com
- ndiswrapper install problem.
- A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- ?
- kubuntu on the planet
- klik in dapper
- kmail settings
- kmail settings
- kwallet keeps asking for a password.
- kwallet keeps asking for a password.
- grub gui
- hei guys
pradhish kumar
- tellico or alternative
pradhish kumar
- A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- Installing KDE 3.5
- Installing KDE 3.5
- Installing KDE 3.5
- session manager question [breezy/KDE3.5.1]
- DVD download
- A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- Re-iterating the "Warning": Was Re: A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- Re-iterating the "Warning": Was Re: A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- Re-iterating the "Warning": Was Re: A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- Re-iterating the "Warning": Was Re: A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
- Xgl - Now What?
- what on earth??
- Panasonic KX-7305
- Panasonic KX-7305
- Printer Question
- Wastebin wobblyness ?
dave s
- Wastebin wobblyness ?
dave s
- Wastebin wobblyness ?
dave s
- konserve background
dave s
- A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
dave s
- A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
dave s
- really slick screensavers
dave s
- really slick screensavers
dave s
- really slick screensavers
dave s
- really slick screensavers
dave s
- kwallet keeps asking for a password.
dave s
- users and root
dave s
- a question of backup
dave s
- ktorrent problem
dave s
- ktorrent problem
dave s
- ktorrent problem
dave s
- Canon i250
- Canon i250
- Running wine out of KCron
- Running wine out of KCron
Last message date:
Tue Feb 28 23:07:28 UTC 2006
Archived on: Tue Oct 9 14:08:09 UTC 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).