post install question about printers

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Mon Feb 20 19:10:47 UTC 2006

Jay Ridgley wrote:

> I had a problem with screen resolution that was corrected by doing a
> dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. Is there a corresponding one for
> printer support?

Should be easier than that.  Just install your printer using kprinter. 

$ kprinter &
or for a global installation
$ kdesu kprinter &

Works a lot like the windows printer utility except this one is more

I prefer configuring printers with the cups browser interface
(http://localhost:631), but K[U]buntu disables it by default.  If you
have used it before, and like it, I can post instructions on re-enabling it.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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