DVD download

Martin J Hooper martinjh at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Feb 17 16:21:09 UTC 2006

lordSauron wrote:
> On 2/16/06, Harry Vorstenbosch <harry.vorstenbosch at zonnet.nl> wrote:
>> The DVD contains both, the Live and Install CD.
>> It boots up and from there you can choose if you are going to install or
>> to run directly from DVD (live session)
> It's very useful.  For instance, you can use the live linux part to
> repartition your hard drive, shinking your windows partition, for
> example, and then just reboot and use the same disk to install.  It's
> easier than burning two CDs, but it's a matter of bandwidth and
> hardware (if you don't have a DVD burner) whether you use it.

Ahh Cool...

Does the DVD have more installable packages on it compared to the CD?  I 
would presume it has...

I do have the bandwidth and a DVD writer which is why I was asking... ;)

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