Audio Streaming Choppy

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Sun Feb 26 17:43:04 UTC 2006

Howard Coles Jr. wrote:

>On Saturday 25 February 2006 12:10, Art Alexion wrote:
>>Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
>>>I'm not sure what to do with this.  Whenever I view a streaming audio or
>>>video file in Kubuntu its very choppy.  Does anyone have any ideas that
>>>may help me clean that up?
>It only happens when I'm streaming anything that's M$ related, so it seems.
>I've been able to stream quicktime, and Real Audio stuff fine.  So I guess 
>there's something fouled up with Mplayer's windows media playback.
OK.  That happens to me with some wmv codecs, but not others.  I assume
that the support for the newer codecs is not part of the w32codecs package.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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