How to get my system to boot from the CD

Harry Vorstenbosch harry.vorstenbosch at
Thu Feb 9 12:36:36 UTC 2006

Dear Reader(s),

If there are IDE and SCSI devices in a(ny) system, then ALWAYS IDE
starts before SCSI at boot-time. 
If you still have problems to boot look to the following:

On the Install CD of Ubuntu e.g. /ubuntu/ubuntu/install/ you can find
the file README.sbm and sbm.bin. sbm.bin is a floppy-boot image where
you will be able to make a bootable floppy. This bootable floppy can
boot and select your CD-ROM to boot from. 
The README.sbm file describes clearly how to make your boot floppy,
either from out LINUX and/or from Windows.

Success, Harry, 

On Wed, 2006-02-08 at 19:08 -0600, Jay Ridgley wrote:
> Folks,
> I am new at ubuntu, however, not new to computers or Linux.
> I am trying to do my first instal and I can not get the CD-ROM to boot
> I have set the system BIOS to select SCSI as the boot device first and have set 
> the ID of the CD-ROM drive to be the default boot device (ID 5) in the SCSI 
> controller BIOS. When I try to boot I get into a loop (in the BIOS) that says a 
> bootable CD was found and the digit 0 as the choice for which system image to 
> boot (there is only one choice listed). However, nothing I have tried causes it 
> to boot from the CD. It just continues to cycle trying to boot. What am I 
> missing? In a word HELP.
> I have booted from the drive before with another version of Linux.
> Regards,
> Jay
> -- 
> Jay Ridgley
> jridgley2 at
> home: 512-255-0894
> cell: 512-626-4280

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