how to disable media:/ feature?

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Thu Feb 2 19:15:15 UTC 2006

Derek Broughton wrote:

>Art Alexion wrote:
>>Urtzi Jauregi wrote:
>>>I had that problem and solved it just now (in KDE 3.5) by disabling the
>>>media notifier daemon(*). In the Control Center, go to KDE Components ->
>>>Service Manager and, in the lower window, disable the "Media Notifier
>>>Daemon" but *not* the "KDED Media Manager". I suspect that the latter
>>>makes KDE detect media insertion/removal, while the former does all the
>>>interaction with the user.
>>>It works perfectly for me now.
>>>- G. K. -
>>>(*) The KDE Control Center calls it "Deamon" -- Does this qualify as a
>>No such daemon in KDE 3.4.3.  Could it be Kmilo?
>No.  I'm certain it's a 3.5 addition
How stable is 3.5?  I am getting some annoying problems* with 3.4.3;
should 3.5 fix them or just break some more?

*CD-ROM drawer randomly opens -- both when in use and dormant.  Can't
stop konqueror from opening, without also stopping the desktop icon
feature, too.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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