CD tray keeps opening randomly

Kim Rendell krendell at
Tue Feb 7 14:44:58 UTC 2006


I've witnessed this same phenomenon a few years back on three PC's with 
identical hardware/software combinations. Although they were not running 
Linux the combination may be of some significance. I remember it being 
kind of spooky when all of a sudden your CD ROM starts to pop in and out 
randomly. At first not so often but eventually almost constantly.

The combination was a Diamond Data CD ROM drive coupled with a GA-6VXE7+ 
Motherboard and WinME. As each began to give trouble, replacement of the 
CD ROM's appeared to fix the problem at the time. However in all three 
cases the Motherboards failed within the following six months or so. For 
the record, a fourth PC with the same Motherboard but a different brand 
of CD ROM never developed the same problem over the same period but was 
otherwise rendered useless when the power failed during a BIOS update. 
It wasn't economical to chase a new BIOS, etc.

Perhaps this will help in some way.  Good luck and cheers, Kim Rendell.

Art Alexion wrote:

>This has gotten to the point where it is unusable.
>Any ideas?

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