Re-iterating the "Warning": Was Re: A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)
lordsauronthegreat at
Thu Feb 23 00:14:06 UTC 2006
On 2/22/06, James Gray <james at> wrote:
> On Wednesday 22 February 2006 10:41, lordSauron wrote:
> > On 2/21/06, paul cooke <paul.cooke100 at> wrote:
> > > By all means try the new dapper test versions, but please play with it on
> > > a non-production test machine... if you use your main work machine to
> > > play and it breaks, then don't come in here with your sob stories...
> > > remember, you have been warned :)
> >
> > I don't have "sob" stories. I just lift an eyebrow and cast the
> > all-seeing eye about until I find the source of the problem, then I
> > try and fix it. In other words, I'm not the type to send a PC flying
> > through a window.
> Exactly! A good sysadmin throws the LUSER out the window and doesn't harm the
> poor abused machine :P
I try not to hurt people either : )
> > I have 4 computers, so I'm set : )
> >
> > iMac G3, Athlon1400, Athlon64 and a IBM ThinkPad X40.
> Nice mix of kit.
Yeah, I'm becoming literate in 3 OSes... it's really funny to watch
me search for the apple key on my X40! Then I forget there's an apple
key on my mac, somehow thinking it's my X40 (which doesn't have a
special key). I'm really good on my Athlon64 though! That thing's a
powerhouse! As soon as Cedega is good enough for a bonehead like me,
I'm axing windows and living entirely in OSX/Linux.
========== GCv3.12 ==========
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V? PS- PE+ Y-(--) PGP- t+++ 5? X R tv-- b+
DI+++ D+ G e* h- !r !y
========= END GCv3.12 ========
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