[OBORONA-SPAM] Re: Accessing mail remotely

Mitch Thompson mitchthompson at satx.rr.com
Wed Feb 22 23:26:28 UTC 2006

Mitch Thompson wrote:

> Gabriel Dragffy wrote:
>> No need to even install TB: www.portableapps.com
>>> Mozilla Thunderbird allows you to install to a local directory and 
>>> makes
>>> no changes to the registry, or attempts to put files into c:\Winnt.
>>> This is good, because I don't have administrative privileges on the
>>> computer I use at work.  So, I would imagine that if you were to 
>>> install
>>> Mozilla Thunderbird and even Firefox to a Thumbdrive, you could
>>> conceivably be able to plug it into a computer and run those programs
>>> from the thumb drive with no problem.  Interesting idea....
> Excellent!  Had never heard of this before.  Thanks for the tip!
Just finished registering and unpacking Portable Thunderbird on my work 
computer.  VERY NICE!

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