Can't find network card

James Gray james at
Thu Feb 9 04:05:06 UTC 2006

On Thursday 09 February 2006 12:41, Paul Kaplan wrote:
> On Wednesday 08 February 2006 13:27, Hamster wrote:
> > On Wed, 8 Feb 2006 05:35:44 -0500
> >
> > Paul Kaplan <pkaplan1 at> wrote:
> > > I just setup a kubuntu system.  The installer correctly detected my
> > > network card, but after booting the system isn't seeing the card.
> > > ifconfig is reporting only lo.
> >
> > What does ifconfig -a report? If it shows an eth0 it means that kubuntu
> > can see the card, but that no IP address has been configured for it.
> >
> > To configure an IP for the card, you'll need to
> > edit /etc/networking/interfaces and either tell it to use DHCP or
> > manually assign it an IP address.
> >
> > If ifconfig -a shows nothing other than lo, it means the drivers for
> > the card aren't being loaded.
> >
> > HTH
> >
> > H.
> ifconfig shows only the loopback, so my assumption is that the drivers
> aren't loaded.  lsmod also is unrevealing and insmod eth0 gets me something
> like "what's that?!"  As I said, this was a fresh install in which the
> network was detected and configured during the install.

Yep. eth0 is an alias to a device, not a device in itself.  You need to know 
what chipset your card has, then load the kernel module that corresponds to 
the *chipset*.

For example, this lappy I typing on has an "Intel Pro Wireless 2200B/G" wifi 
card which is aliased to "eth0".  However, the correct modprobe spell is 
"modprobe ipw2200" which loads the ipw2200 module/driver.  IOW the "ipw2200" 
module is the driver for the NIC.

> How do I get the drivers?

Find the chipset, then find the driver (assuming one exists - which is likely 
unless you're using truly exotic hardware).  Randomly loading kernel modules 
is rather hit-and-miss and runs the risk of causing a kernel panic.  Although 
a panic would be unlikely, I have seen it happen.


I'm proud to be paying taxes in the United States.  The only thing is
-- I could be just as proud for half the money.
		-- Arthur Godfrey

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