Turning off touchpad tapping?

Chuck Mattsen mattsen at arvig.net
Sat Feb 11 04:43:37 UTC 2006

On Friday 10 February 2006 4:51 pm, you wrote:
> There are several threads on this topic in the Ubuntu forums.  It was a
> problem for a long time.  Eventually someone came up with an answer that
> worked for my alps pad.  It's an xorg.conf thing.  I have no time right
> now, but I'll get back to you with what worked for me.  Meanwhile you might
> want to search the forums.

My touchpad is Synaptics, not Alps, though I see a lot of forum posts out 
there concerning both.  Still going through the forum posts, but short of 
recompiling the kernel I've not yet found anything that works.

Chuck MATTSEN / Mahnomen, MN, USA / mattsen at arvig.net
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