Install experience notes

Jay Ridgley jridgley2 at
Wed Feb 22 00:26:15 UTC 2006


First, I want to thank the community for providing Ubuntu Linux and the 
assistance I have been given thus far.

I obtained by copies from the distribution center and was surprised to 
receive 10 copies as the minimum shipment along with the notation to 
give extra copies to friends etc; I have given away several.

When I tried the live CD on a laptop running MS Windows it was 
impressive and I decided to use it as my primary distribution for my 
Linux based boxes.

First problem, I figured that since I was running Linux (Red hat 7.3) 
and had no problems booting from the install CD for that release, 
installing Ubuntu would be a piece of cake! Well the problem is that my 
system was totally SCSI. NO IDE drives at all. The release CD would not 
boot! It finally dawned on me, that the problem was the shipped kernal 
did not support SCSI and or was failing to load the required driver. 
This was the end result of several tries at booting from various 
boot/root floppies. So, off to my friendly computer store I went and got 
an inexpensive IDE CD-ROM drive. After plugging that in and getting my 
BIOS updated to boot from that device as primary, if available, I booted 
the live CD worked fine.

End of problems, I thought, the installation went very well except for 
the following items:

Screen resolution of 640x480 was the only choice I had -- this has been 
fixed by --

	sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg as suggested by Thilo Six

Printer not found correctly -- also fixed (see prior post -- RE: post 
install question about printers)

The installation did not use nor did it identify any of the partitions 
on my second SCSI hard drive. This item still exists.

I would like to be able to use it, as it also contains my OLD /home file 
system. How would be the best way to bring the drive on line., 
preferably, preserving the contents of /home. The drive also has a swap 
partition on it, do I need it in addition the one provided during the 
install? Is fdisk the best way of converting it to a small Linux 
partition, if not?

BTW I am glad that Gnome is the default desktop.

Now I am off to do more reading on how this all works as far as updates 
are concerned and converting some additional boxes to Ubuntu.

Another Happy user,

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