Installing KDE 3.5

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Thu Feb 16 06:01:24 UTC 2006

On 2/15/06, lordSauron <lordsauronthegreat at> wrote:
> Are you sure that the USB device you were using was:
> o Compatible: if you're plugging a USB 2.0 device into a USB 1.0 or
> 1.1 port, you may experience some problems
> o Working: are you sure that the device you were using was in working order?
> o Working: are you sure that the USB port you plugged it into was working?

Yes, I am sure that ther device is functional and compatable with the
port. I have used them together in other OS's, and the disk I
confirmed is operational on another machine. In addition, my USB card
reader throws the same error when plugged in.

Dotan Cohen

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