Installing KDE 3.5

Janton vonzu at
Thu Feb 16 13:22:58 UTC 2006

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> On 2/15/06, lordSauron <lordsauronthegreat at> wrote:
>> On 2/15/06, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at> wrote:
>>> I'm a recent convert from Fedora Core 4. I really miss KDE 3.5
>>> (automount USB devices, other goodies). Is there a simple way to
>>> install it on Kubuntu? Or must I compile?
>> Sorry, I just have to note this:  KDE 3.4 automounts USB volumes.
>> Were you having trouble, 'cause mine automounts.
> Yes, I was having trouble. I would get a Konqueror screen with an
> error message. I was going to try to solve it, but I will wait to see
> if it persists with KDE 3.5. If I remember correctly, in Fedora with
> KDE 3.4 there was no automount. Is the automount a Kubuntu addition?
> The error is in Hebrew but translated it would be:
> "There was an ewrror in the loading of media:/sdc1
> The file or directory media:/sdc1 does not exist."

I have the same problem.
I use an old Toshiba laptop (P3 450MHz 256RAM).
I used to run Fedora Core 3 with Gnome, which gave me no problems with 
the USB.
I am 100% certain that there is nothing wrong with my USB memory stick. 
I have tried several sticks, and the problem is the same for all of them.
I am a Linux newbie, and therefore have little to contribute but 
confirming that this is not a one-off problem.
It is quite annoying, because I have discovered that i really prefer KDE 
, and Kubuntu seems to be one of the few distros that I am competent 
enough to install on this computer.

> Also, if the problem does persist, can I just copy the correct fstab
> entry from the Fedora fstab to the Kubuntu fstab and expect it to
> work? If not, then what is the proper way to debug?
> Thanks.
> Dotan Cohen

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