really slick screensavers

Joseph Vella vayu at
Mon Feb 20 22:31:08 UTC 2006

What happens when you run glxinfo from a command window?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "dave s" <kubuntu at>
To: <kubuntu-users at>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: really slick screensavers

> Those screensavers are great!
> You need to enable hardware OpenGL.
> In the Module section (for nVidia) I know that you must remove the line:
> Load "DRI",
> I believe you should remove the line: Load "GLcore".
> Then in the device section you must add the line:
> Option "RenderAccel" "True"

OK this is weird, out of the box KDE has several open GL screensavers,
euphoria, fireworks etc that all work AOK so xorg.conf must be OK

I install really slick screensavers and there are more open GL screensavers 
the screensaver menu but now none of them work.

Is there a problem with the package ?


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