Kubuntu default look

Liz Young liz at kandew.com
Tue Feb 14 23:31:59 UTC 2006

On Sunday 12 February 2006 14:30, Craig Drummond wrote:

> ...but I was more canvasing for opinions...

Okay.  I just installed the deb this morning and without any problem.  
In System Settings: Appearance I changed the GTK styles and fonts to 
QtCurve and Style: Widget Style to QtCurve also.  For the WinDeco I 
chose Modern System.  I left Icons on Crystal and Fonts on Deja.

I know my config might look a little boring or subdued to people who 
like eye candy, but IMHO this ROCKS as far as gtk+ and qt blending 
goes.  Even the mozilla-gnome file picker looks better.  Openoffice2 
looks more like it's a part of the KDE desktop now.  Gimp and glabels 
look like they belong.  Nice job!  Even if this doesn't make it in as 
default, I hope it gets in to main for dapper.


Breezy 5.10
KDE 3.5.1

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