what on earth??

gabe dragffy at yandex.ru
Sun Feb 26 04:18:39 UTC 2006

oh what a balls-up. Like I said in my first email the drop down list of sizes 
in Kcontrol and System Settings had gone blank, and when I clicked the RESET 
button at the bottom the app crashed. Before I reinstalled I deleted .kde 
in /home and this fixed the problem but also removed all my apps settings and 
config, so I went about restoring the essentials from the Trash. After about 
30 mins of narking around it was back the way I wanted.

Seriously though, these kind of things shouldn't be a consequence of adjusting 
the icon size, this is some glitch/bug, hope it's eliminated in KDE 3.5.1. 
Even MS Windows doesn't get its pants twisted this bad from changing a theme 
or something.


On Sunday 26 February 2006 08:31, you wrote:
> That happened to me once...
> There was a icon size control in System Settings that fixed the
> problem.  I can't tell you *exactly* where it was though... it's been
> too long for me to remember that correctly.

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