Installing Firefox 1.5

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Thu Feb 9 22:42:18 UTC 2006

Dotan Cohen wrote:

>On 2/9/06, Javier <javiermon at> wrote:
>>You can download the tar.gz file from firefox's web site. Then
>>decompress it to a local folder (for example /urs/local/). You will
>>need to install libstdc++5 (it's in the repo).
>>On 2/9/06, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at> wrote:
>>>Just installed Kubuntu 5.10 but I've used Fedora for about a year. I
>>>want to install Firefox 1.5 but get-apt has only 1.0.7. Is there an
>>>alternative to downloading the rpm from For that
>>>matter, how are rpm's in debian based systems? Should I get used to
>>>something else?
>>>Thanks in advance for assistance.
>>>Dotan Cohen
>Thanks. Would  you recommend apt-get or yum for installing libstdc?
>What is the command for it?

Forget yum in [K]Ubuntu.  As a Debian-based system learn to use apt.  It
is your new friend.  You can use synaptic/kynaptic (I think the latter
is not ready for prime time) or just

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install <package>

First, make sure your sources list is what you want it to be

    * man sources.list, then
    * (I suggest merging this
      generated sources.list with the one you have in /etc/apt/sources.list


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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