a question of backup

Jordi Ferrando jferrando at netplc.com
Sat Feb 25 17:51:02 UTC 2006

rsync can also be useful. This is an example:

# rsync --archive --verbose --delete /home/vmail /datos1/vmail/

And you can create a cron job to automate the task.

dave s wrote:

>On Saturday 25 Feb 2006 16:40, gabe wrote:
>>I'm sure I cannot be the only one in this situation. The situation is that
>>I have many gigs of mp3, photos and other stuff. I have these on my /home,
>>naturally. I have an external hard drive that I would like the contents
>>backed up on to, on an automagical basis.
>>I discovered the tool Konserve, which looked promising, however when it
>>insists and creating one massive tarball on each backup it is unusable.
>>Also it creates a new tarball on each backup run, the external drive is
>>only large enough to hold about 1.5 of the full back ups.
>>Back in windows I used "Backup4All" and it would create a mirror backup
>>every 2 hours, only updating the modified, added/deleted files. Which is
>>perfect, since I want the external drive to reflect the contents of /home.
>>Am I out of luck in this regard or is someone please able to point me to a
>>program to solve my problems? I don't want to have to resort to using some
>>kind of Wine configuration!
>Checkout sbackup, its pretty cool

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