Re-iterating the "Warning": Was Re: A Series of Unfortunate Problems (Xgl, 3.4->3.5 upgrade)

James Gray james at
Thu Feb 23 01:54:00 UTC 2006

On Thursday 23 February 2006 11:54, lordSauron wrote:
> just a really ultra-quick thought I just had: drapper uses KDE 3.5,
> right?  I've just gotten used to it, that's all...

AFAIK yes.

Personally I'm holding out for the 1.0.7 ipw2200 driver so I can use my lappy 
on the University's wifi network again (a rather exotic mixed-mode WPA-EAP on 
Cisco access points). Apparently the firmware bug preventing it from 
connecting  is fixed in the 2.4 firmware...but you need ipw2200 v1.0.7+ to 
use the 2.4 firmware.


"But don't you worry, its for a cause -- feeding global corporations' paws."
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