SMP kernel

Pavan Balaji balaji at
Mon Feb 27 09:23:14 UTC 2006

> I require a copy of dapper-install-i386-flight4 with Symmetric
> multi-processing support (SMP) and (Hyper threading) scheduler
> support (SMT) enabled in the kernel. I have tried re-compiling the
> kernel myself, to no avail.

You should be able to choose SMP support during the kernel compilation.
Also, if you enable hyper-threading in the BIOS settings, the SMP
compiled kernel will automatically show it as two different processors.

 -- Pavan

Yevern Govender wrote:
> Hi,
> I require a copy of dapper-install-i386-flight4 with Symmetric
> multi-processing support (SMP) and (Hyper threading) scheduler
> support (SMT) enabled in the kernel. I have tried re-compiling the
> kernel myself, to no avail.
> If anybody could supply me with this, I would be much appreciative.
> Thank you kindly
> Yevern Govender
> Software Developer
> Naval Combat Management Systems
> Tel: +27 11 313 9207
> Fax: +27 11 313 9430
> African Defence Systems (Pty) Ltd
> 968 Richards Road, Halfway House, Midrand
> PO Box 420, Halfway House 1685
> Gauteng, South Africa
> Tel: +27 11 313 9000
> Fax: +27 11 313 9379
> E-mail: ads-sa at
> Website:

Pavan Balaji
Graduate Research Assistant,
Computer Science and Engg.,
Ohio State University
Ph: +1-614-316-8175

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