users and root

Luca Mollica mollica.luca at
Mon Feb 20 18:20:21 UTC 2006

> First, you may want to try the Ubuntu approach of not having a root 
> user.  It has advantages and disadvantages.  I didn't like it at 
> first, but now I do.

Ok, I have read all the pages about this issue on the wiki page of 
kubuntu but at the moment I explicitly desire to have a root user on at 
least one machine of the two I had set up with Kubuntu.

> Second, on any of your Linux or other Unix systems, type 'man sudoers' 
> for information about how the sudo system works and how to change it 
> so none of the regular users have root access via sudo. 

Ok ... unfortunately the usage of sudoers is not really common among 
not-debian users .... in three years dedicated to suse I had only 
learned what sudo is and that's it. Good time for learning deeply how to 
use sudoers logins.
Thanx for the answer


> -- 
> John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own 

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