dev null set to wrong permissions

Howard Coles Jr. dhcolesj at
Sun Feb 5 00:19:15 UTC 2006

I patched up to the latest updates for Dapper and am now having a problem 
with /dev/null.  The problem is that its only readable, and writeable for 
root, both the group and everyone permissions are 0.  

The reason this is a problem is that with /dev/null not accessable X will not 
allow a regular user (ME) to login.

Has anyone else seen this problem.

It may be an after affect of the failure of synaptic to read any keystroke but 
"n" or "Enter" when it prompted me to replace the initramfs script.  
I kept hitting "y" but nothing would happen, I then hit "enter" and it went to 
"n" and did not replace the script.
I have since tried to reinstall the initram package but it doesn't prompt me 
I'm wondering if I need to extract the script from the .deb file and manually 
replace it.

Or, could someone help me edit the right script to change this behavior before 
I fool around and mess up more than I should?  :-D.

See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

Christian Books On-Line

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