
David A' Rebel obsidion at xtra.co.nz
Sat Feb 18 18:49:20 UTC 2006

On Sunday 19 February 2006 07:29, Pupeno wrote:
> On Saturday 18 February 2006 15:14, David A' Rebel wrote:
> > On Sunday 19 February 2006 05:29, Pupeno wrote:
> > > Is it possible to download all updates of kubuntu to burn it to a CD
> > > for someone who has slow access to internet ?
> >
> >   Yes the easiest way would be to copy the files from
> > your /var/cache/apt/archives to a cd if you have recently done an update
> > yourself and not cleaned them out. Then put them in the same place on
> > your friends computer ie copy them from the cd to that area on their
> > computer.
> My HD is small, so I clean it up regulalry, any other ideas ?

   Well if your friend has a decent sized hd then copy and burn several cds's 
from breezy-updates, multiverse, universe etc and put them on their hd in the 
correct place. Or just burn the 3.51 kde updates to cd making sure their 
sources.list points to the same as yours. Or get them to start the update and 
say no but do a dump from the terminal output as to what they need so you can 
dl and burn them to a cd for them. The easiest way to do this would be to 
make sure they do it with apt-get and a terminal then cut and paste the 
output and email it to you I guess. With a little tweaking you might even be 
able to cut and paste into an ftp client and do it that way. Ie get pasted 
list once connected to the right place. I'm shooting in the dark here though 
so it may not work, the only way I have ever done it is the way I first 


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