Installing KDE 3.5

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Wed Feb 15 19:47:38 UTC 2006

On 2/15/06, lordSauron <lordsauronthegreat at> wrote:
> On 2/15/06, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at> wrote:
> > I'm a recent convert from Fedora Core 4. I really miss KDE 3.5
> > (automount USB devices, other goodies). Is there a simple way to
> > install it on Kubuntu? Or must I compile?
> Sorry, I just have to note this:  KDE 3.4 automounts USB volumes.
> Were you having trouble, 'cause mine automounts.

Yes, I was having trouble. I would get a Konqueror screen with an
error message. I was going to try to solve it, but I will wait to see
if it persists with KDE 3.5. If I remember correctly, in Fedora with
KDE 3.4 there was no automount. Is the automount a Kubuntu addition?

The error is in Hebrew but translated it would be:
"There was an ewrror in the loading of media:/sdc1
The file or directory media:/sdc1 does not exist."

Also, if the problem does persist, can I just copy the correct fstab
entry from the Fedora fstab to the Kubuntu fstab and expect it to
work? If not, then what is the proper way to debug?


Dotan Cohen

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