Giving user permission to write to /var/www

Claudia Ringwald claudia_ringwald at
Sat Feb 18 21:31:54 UTC 2006

Am Samstag, 18. Februar 2006 13:17 schrieb Dotan Cohen:
> What is the proper way to let a user have write permission to
> /var/www? I have googled several methods, and want to know what is the
> correct, safe way to do it?
> Thanks.

Hi Dotan, 

why do you want to do this? 

If you want to give the user the possiblity to develop websites locally (and 
for instance use php within them properly), the easiest way I know is to 
creat a directory named public_html in the home-directory of the user. 

This folder can be reached with a browser at http://localhost/~[name of the 

Best regards, 


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