April 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Apr 1 03:23:19 UTC 2005
Ending: Sat Apr 30 16:33:15 UTC 2005
Messages: 445
- Big Problem with Apt-Get
Dave -
- Big Problem with Apt-Get
Dave -
- Transparent background windows and drop shodows etc...
Senectus .
- Transparent background windows and drop shodows etc...
Senectus .
- Transparent background windows and drop shodows etc...
Senectus .
- Arts Control Applet?
Senectus .
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Senectus .
- Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
Senectus .
- Fwd: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
Senectus .
- Whats this and can we use it?
Senectus .
- What to put on menus in Kubuntu
Senectus .
- Konq file browser keeps crashing
Senectus .
- changing/setting the root passwd
FTP Admin
- couple of questions?
Lab Administrator
- Problems with the soundcard settings
Lab Administrator
- powerpc fn key functionality switch, and sound
- powerpc kwifimanager: not working?
- Where are the powerpc developers?
- Sound in kubuntu
- Control Center problem
- Control Center problem
- kmplot doesn't start
- Control Center problem
- Linux Apps vs Windows | OSX Apps?
- managing WIFI (KWIFI Manager)
Alexander Antoniades
- Kclock won't keep set time.
Alexander Antoniades
- Does Kubuntu have what it takes to become the ultimate KDE distro?
Alexander Antoniades
- Konqueror issue on some web sites
Alexander Antoniades
- Language and keyboard problems
Nuno Miguel dos Santos Baeta
- Language and keyboard problems
Nuno Miguel dos Santos Baeta
- Keyboard problems
Nuno Miguel dos Santos Baeta
- kubuntu problems after latest updates
Peter Barnes
- Firestarter will not work
Peter Barnes
- Firestarter will not work
Peter Barnes
- Re sudo
Peter Barnes
- How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?
Peter Barnes
- How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?
Peter Barnes
- How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?
Peter Barnes
- How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?
Peter Barnes
- How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?
Peter Barnes
- [kubuntu-users] kubuntu, universe, usb hotplug,Admin mode in KControl
Peter Barnes
- new convert
Raphael Bauduin
- [kubuntu-users] Update notifier for kubuntu?
Raphael Bauduin
- mozilla qt
Raphael Bauduin
- mozilla qt
Raphael Bauduin
- my experience trying to listen to streaming
Raphael Bauduin
- [kubuntu-users] Update notifier for kubuntu?
Raphael Bauduin
- test
Al Bayrouni
- freevo
Eugene Van Den Bergh
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Erich Birngruber
- broken package kdelibs after last upgrade
Erich Birngruber
- broken package kdelibs after last upgrade
Erich Birngruber
- NTFS issues...
Lonnie Blansett
- NTFS issues...
Lonnie Blansett
- HOW TO make universal???
- HOW TO make universal???
- [kubuntu-bugs] Forward of moderated message
Achim Bohnet
- kmplot doesn't start
Achim Bohnet
- apt-get dist-upgrade wants to pull in gnome
Stephen Boulet
- apt-get dist-upgrade wants to pull in gnome
Stephen Boulet
- Firefox and gnome dependencies
Stephen Boulet
- digikamplugins package broken?
Stephen Boulet
- Kclock won't keep set time.
Stephen Boulet
- Nvidia driver
Stephen Boulet
- Kubuntu
Bowen, Roger
- non-ubuntu packages (was Firefox and gnome dependencies
Derek Broughton
- non-ubuntu packages (was Firefox and gnome dependencies
Derek Broughton
- non-ubuntu packages (was Firefox and gnome dependencies
Derek Broughton
- errors after update
Derek Broughton
- I lost my panel/taskbar
Derek Broughton
- I lost my panel/taskbar
Derek Broughton
- I lost my panel/taskbar
Derek Broughton
- Installling non-k/ubuntu programs
Derek Broughton
- No "K" menu button
Derek Broughton
- Kicker weirdness
Derek Broughton
- Kicker weirdness
Derek Broughton
- aKregator
Derek Broughton
- Firestarter will not work
Derek Broughton
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Derek Broughton
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Derek Broughton
- Firestarter will not work
Derek Broughton
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Derek Broughton
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Derek Broughton
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Derek Broughton
- kdesu and sudo
Derek Broughton
- re sudo
Derek Broughton
- kdesu and sudo
Derek Broughton
- my 2 bits worth
Derek Broughton
- re name problem ubuntu / kubuntu
Derek Broughton
- Network howto
Derek Broughton
- kdesu and sudo
Derek Broughton
- re sudo
Derek Broughton
- Re sudo
Derek Broughton
- sudo
Derek Broughton
- kdesu and sudo
Derek Broughton
- kdesu and sudo
Derek Broughton
- kdesu and sudo
Derek Broughton
- How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?
Derek Broughton
Derek Broughton
- How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?
Derek Broughton
- a total newbie to all this......
Derek Broughton
- How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?
Derek Broughton
- Big Problem with Apt-Get
Derek Broughton
- Big Problem with Apt-Get
Derek Broughton
- How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?
Derek Broughton
- Big Problem with Apt-Get
Derek Broughton
- Show Desktop icon ?
Derek Broughton
- Adding non-ubuntu packages
Derek Broughton
- Adding non-ubuntu packages
Derek Broughton
- Kmail Problem
Raphael Brunner
- vcdimager/vcdxgen charset problem
Raphael Brunner
- KFreeDisk
Raphael Brunner
- vcdimager/vcdxgen charset problem
Raphael Brunner
- ext3 and Reiserfs (was Re: Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks )
Jonathan Byrne
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Jonathan Byrne
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Jonathan Byrne
- re sudo
Jonathan Byrne
- Adding kdefilepicker to openoffice.org
Jonathan Byrne
- Problems with the soundcard settings
- Sound problem
- Sound problem
- 1024x768 @ 85hz ????
- Hoary upadtes
- Suspend to ram
Bill Christiansen
- Suspend to ram
Bill Christiansen
- Intel 845
Bill Christiansen
- Installling non-k/ubuntu programs
- No "K" menu button
- Hdb not mounted or recognized.
- Kclock won't keep set time.
- Kclock won't keep set time.
- couple of questions?
Frederik Dannemare
- kubuntu hoary RC bug reports
Frederik Dannemare
- ssh [WAS Re: no available sockets]
Frederik Dannemare
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
Frederik Dannemare
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
Frederik Dannemare
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
Frederik Dannemare
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
Frederik Dannemare
- Lost Root, what to do
Frederik Dannemare
- kdesu normal user and root not able to use
Frederik Dannemare
- kdesu normal user and root not able to use
Frederik Dannemare
- Copy'paste from Konqueror to OpenOffice doesn't go well with special locale chars (e.g. æ ø å )
Frederik Dannemare
- An observation: Konqueror sometimes uses 100% CPU on the ubuntu wiki
Frederik Dannemare
- Kicker weirdness
Frederik Dannemare
- Language and keyboard problems
Frederik Dannemare
- Kicker weirdness
Frederik Dannemare
- all my experiences and problems with kubuntu so far
Frederik Dannemare
- I can't change kdm login screen or splash screen
Frederik Dannemare
- all my experiences and problems with kubuntu so far
Frederik Dannemare
- Kubuntu Desktop Configuration Wizard
Frederik Dannemare
- all my experiences and problems with kubuntu so far
Frederik Dannemare
- Language and keyboard problems
Frederik Dannemare
- Missing Program (cdrdao)
Frederik Dannemare
- How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?
Frederik Dannemare
- Hoary upadtes
Frederik Dannemare
- KDM freezes after install
Nico Dietrich
- need sourcelist for net install
Nico Dietrich
- Show Desktop icon ?
- Show Desktop icon ?
- Copy'paste from Konqueror to OpenOffice doesn't go well with special locale chars (e.g. æ ø å )
Frode M. Døving
- NTFS issues...
Frode M. Døving
Frode M. Døving
- Language and keyboard problems
Frode M. Døving
- CPU throttling problems
Eduardo Robles Elvira
- CPU throttling problems
Eduardo Robles Elvira
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Eduardo Robles Elvira
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Eduardo Robles Elvira
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Eduardo Robles Elvira
- Does Kubuntu have what it takes to become the ultimate KDE distro?
Eduardo Robles Elvira
- managing WIFI (KWIFI Manager)
- managing WIFI (KWIFI Manager)
- powerpc kwifimanager: not working?
- changing/setting the root passwd[SOLVED]
- NTFS issues...
Lewis Futrell
- How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?
Lewis Futrell
- root password
Francis G
- I lost my panel/taskbar
Jose Gomez-Dans
- Switch to Kubuntu
Jose Gomez-Dans
- Kicker weirdness
Jose Gomez-Dans
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Jose Gomez-Dans
- ext3 and Reiserfs (was Re: Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks )
Jose Gomez-Dans
- Is there a control center?
Jose Gomez-Dans
- Hoary upadtes
Jose Gomez-Dans
- Hoary upadtes
Jose Gomez-Dans
- KDM doesn't start on boot up
Jose Gomez-Dans
- Battery applet gone walkies
Jose Gomez-Dans
- whereami, wpa_supplicant...
Jose Gomez-Dans
- Changing the trash icon
James Gray
- I can't change kdm login screen or splash screen
Larry Grover
- I can't change kdm login screen or splash screen
Larry Grover
- [kubuntu-users] Re: I can't change kdm login screen or splash screen
Larry Grover
- Arts Control Applet?
Larry Grover
- Changing the trash icon
Jon Hale
- apt-get dist-upgrade wants to pull in gnome
Chris Halls
- kdesu and sudo
Hannes Hauswedell
- kdesu and sudo
Hannes Hauswedell
- kdesu and sudo
Hannes Hauswedell
- kdesu and sudo
Hannes Hauswedell
- kdesu and sudo
Hannes Hauswedell
- My needs for a kubuntu Install
Bertrand Haut
- Switch to Kubuntu
Bertrand Haut
- kubuntu, universe, usb hotplug, Admin mode in KControl
Adrian Hicks
- numlockx
Doug Holland
- Kdeprintd not installed - cant print
Martin J Hooper
- kubuntu problems after latest updates
Martin J Hooper
- K8 kernel
Martin J Hooper
- Making a deb file from source code
Martin J Hooper
- firefox
Martin J Hooper
- ext3 and Reiserfs (was Re: Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks )
Martin J Hooper
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Martin J Hooper
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Martin J Hooper
- Sound in kubuntu
Martin J Hooper
- ATI Radeon 9600 PRO
Martin J Hooper
- ATI Radeon 9600 PRO
Martin J Hooper
- numlockx
Bob Jarman
- no available sockets
Bob Jarman
- my 2 bits worth
Bob Jarman
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
Tony Jaudon
- Repositories(?)
Irena and Richard Jenkins
- Missing Program (cdrdao)
Irena and Richard Jenkins
- Anti-Virus: Clamav
Irena and Richard Jenkins
- KWeather icon and temperature in panel
- Adding non-ubuntu packages
- Installed Kubuntu powerpc on Imac G3
- Modem not detected
- Kclock won't keep set time.
Markus Joschko
- mount/unmount utility, formatting
George Murch Jr.
- Kubuntu on an Averatec 5400 laptop
George Murch Jr.
- Wings3d error
Mark Kelly
- Live Disk Help
Mark Koljack
- KDM freezes after install
Pawel Kowalak
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
Sebastian Kügler
- kdesu normal user and root not able to use
Sebastian Kügler
- kdesu normal user and root not able to use
Sebastian Kügler
- kdesu normal user and root not able to use
Sebastian Kügler
- Transparent background windows and drop shodows etc...
Sebastian Kügler
- mozilla qt
Sebastian Kügler
- mozilla qt
Sebastian Kügler
- CPU throttling problems
Sebastian Kügler
- mozilla qt
Sebastian Kügler
- Whats this and can we use it?
Sebastian Kügler
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Sebastian Kügler
- re sudo
Sebastian Kügler
- kde desktop
Sebastian Kügler
- kde desktop
Sebastian Kügler
- HOW TO make universal???
Sebastian Kügler
- Making a deb file from source code
Sebastian Kügler
- Anti-Virus: Clamav
Sebastian Kügler
- How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?
Sebastian Kügler
- Adding kdefilepicker to openoffice.org
Sebastian Kügler
- a total newbie to all this......
Sebastian Kügler
- where is the KDE desktop settings wizard?
Sebastian Kügler
- broken package kdelibs after last upgrade
Sebastian Kügler
- firefox, konqueror (Re: numlockx
Philippe Landau
- mount/unmount utility, formatting
Philippe Landau
- Installling non-k/ubuntu programs
Philippe Landau
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
- Lost Root, what to do
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
- Lost Root, what to do
- Lost Root, what to do
- Kubuntu on an Averatec 5400 laptop
Wade Leftwich
- Control Center problem
Wade Leftwich
- all my experiences and problems with kubuntu so far
Sander van Loon
- my experience trying to listen to streaming
Sander van Loon
- proprietary w32codecs don't work with Kaffeine
Sander van Loon
- Update notifier for kubuntu?
Ricardo Pérez López
- ext3 and Reiserfs (was Re: Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks )
Justin Mason
- ext3 and Reiserfs (was Re: Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks )
Justin Mason
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
Fabien Meghazi
- mozilla qt
Fabien Meghazi
- kdesu and sudo
Fabien Meghazi
- Where are the powerpc developers?
Arthur Moore
- Display problems
Alain Muls
- 1024x768 @ 85hz ????
Positive Negative
- 1024x768 @ 85hz ????
Positive Negative
- NTFS issues...
Positive Negative
- KFreeDisk
Positive Negative
- JAVA JRE 1.4 & 5 wont work. It crashes firefox...
Positive Negative
- Install NVidia on kernel 2.6.10-i686-smp
Paulo Neves
- Install NVidia on kernel 2.6.10-i686-smp
Paulo Neves
- Install NVidia on kernel 2.6.10-i686-smp
Paulo Neves
Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski
- kubuntu after latest updates
- kubuntu problems after latest updates
- errors after update
- Sound problem
- Sound problem
- re sudo
- re name problem ubuntu / kubuntu
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
- sudo
- adding new wm to kdm
- kubuntu hoary RC bug reports
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- kubuntu hoary RC bug reports
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- kubuntu hoary RC bug reports
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- ubuntu release dates
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Firefox and gnome dependencies
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Lost Root, what to do
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Lost Root, what to do
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- My needs for a kubuntu Install
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Lost Root, what to do
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Lost Root, what to do
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- mozilla qt
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- all my experiences and problems with kubuntu so far
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Kubuntu Desktop Configuration Wizard
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Workaround for Konqueror crashes
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- mozilla qt
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Repositories(?)
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- firefox crashes in user but ok in root
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- K8 kernel
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- ext3 and Reiserfs (was Re: Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks )
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- ext3 and Reiserfs (was Re: Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks )
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Some of my Kubuntu-Hoary tweaks
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Sound in kubuntu
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Anyone used nvu successfully so far?
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- kde desktop
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- kde desktop
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Re sudo
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- kdesu and sudo
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Big Problem with Apt-Get
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Big Problem with Apt-Get
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Linux Apps vs Windows | OSX Apps?
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Font size
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Adding non-ubuntu packages
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
- Wifi Restoration Problems
- root password
- [kubuntu-users] Re: couple of questions?
Jonathan Riddell
- Kubuntu 5.04 is out!
Jonathan Riddell
- [kubuntu-users] Update notifier for kubuntu?
Jonathan Riddell
- [kubuntu-users] Re: I can't change kdm login screen or splash screen
Jonathan Riddell
- [kubuntu-users] mozilla qt
Jonathan Riddell
- [kubuntu-users] Update notifier for kubuntu?
Jonathan Riddell
- [kubuntu-users] freevo
Jonathan Riddell
- [kubuntu-users] kubuntu, universe, usb hotplug, Admin mode in KControl
Jonathan Riddell
- Firestarter will not work
Mike S
- What to put on menus in Kubuntu
Mike S
- where is the KDE desktop settings wizard?
- Installling non-k/ubuntu programs
Even Sandsmark
- Hdb not mounted or recognized.
Even Sandsmark
- Installling non-k/ubuntu programs
Even Sandsmark
- ATI Radeon 9600 PRO
Sergio Savastano
- KDE session hangs on "Initializing System Services"
Roel Schouten
- KDE session hangs on "Initializing System Services"
Roel Schouten
- Is there a control center?
Avi Schwartz
- Is there a control center?
Avi Schwartz
- Firefox and gnome dependencies
Peter Shillan
- ACPI on Laptop: how do I wake it up?
Peter Shillan
- all my experiences and problems with kubuntu so far
Peter Shillan
- all my experiences and problems with kubuntu so far
Peter Shillan
- all my experiences and problems with kubuntu so far
Peter Shillan
- installed the driver from kynaptic
Peter Shillan
- Install NVidia on kernel 2.6.10-i686-smp
Peter Shillan
- re sudo
Peter Shillan
- What to put on menus in Kubuntu
Peter Shillan
- ATI Radeon 9600 PRO
Sergio Ribeiro Savastano de Souza
- adding new wm to kdm
Avinash Sridhar
- Suspend to ram
James Tappin
- Odd difference between x86 & PPC (firewire disks)
James Tappin
- Personalize Kubuntu
- Intel 845
- Polish fonts
Jozef Trnka
- Language and keyboard problems
Jozef Trnka
- Control Center problem
Jozef Trnka
- Is there a control center?
- all my experiences and problems with kubuntu so far
Gunny Wallen
- JAVA JRE 1.4 & 5 wont work. It crashes firefox...
Gunny Wallen
- JAVA JRE 1.4 & 5 wont work. It crashes firefox...
Gunny Wallen
- Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
Gunny Wallen
- my 2 bits worth
Gunny Wallen
- changing/setting the root passwd
Gunny Wallen
- How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?
Gunny Wallen
- No "K" menu button
David Waner
- Firefox and gnome dependencies
Jeff Waugh
- Firefox and gnome dependencies
Jeff Waugh
- Firefox and gnome dependencies
Jeff Waugh
- non-ubuntu packages (was Firefox and gnome dependencies
Jeff Waugh
- non-ubuntu packages (was Firefox and gnome dependencies
Jeff Waugh
- non-ubuntu packages (was Firefox and gnome dependencies
Jeff Waugh
- My needs for a kubuntu Install
Ralph De Witt
- Sound Help Needed
Ralph De Witt
- Adding kdefilepicker to openoffice.org
Liz Young
- How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?
Liz Young
- kdesu normal user and root not able to use
Daud Yunus
- Switch to Kubuntu
alain.muls at pandora.be
- kde desktop
maurizio bonavita
- Font size
maurizio bonavita
- Installling non-k/ubuntu programs
paul cooke
- Installling non-k/ubuntu programs
paul cooke
- KFreeDisk
paul cooke
- KFreeDisk
paul cooke
- NTFS issues...
blaze craze
- KFreeDisk
blaze craze
- JAVA JRE 1.4 & 5 wont work. It crashes firefox...
blaze craze
- firefox
vikram eleti
- my 2 bits worth
dj faké
- sudo
dj faké
- sudo
dj faké
- Linux Apps vs Windows | OSX Apps?
March gmail
- firefox crashes in user but ok in root
- firefox crashes in user but ok in root
- Firestarter will not work
- ubuntu release dates
- [kubuntu-bugs] Forward of moderated message
kubuntu-bugs-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
- [kubuntu-bugs] Forward of moderated message
kubuntu-bugs-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
- Firefox/Thunderbird and a samba question
- broken package kdelibs after last upgrade
dd mm
- a total newbie to all this......
ian mooney
- Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?
- kicker and v scrolling
- need sourcelist for net install
- Konqueror issue on some web sites
bill.christiansen at paradise.net.nz
- Konqueror issue on some web sites
bill.christiansen at paradise.net.nz
- KUser crashing when adding extra group to user
bill.christiansen at paradise.net.nz
- KUser crashing when adding extra group to user
bill.christiansen at paradise.net.nz
- (no subject)
christian.maier at sisandia.com
- Installed Kubuntu powerpc on Imac G3
- How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?
- Nvidia driver
sara vasquez
- installed the driver from kynaptic
sara vasquez
- K8 kernel
sara vasquez
- K8 kernel
sara vasquez
- KDM freezes after install
- Kubuntu on an Averatec 5400 laptop
- Kubuntu on an Averatec 5400 laptop
- KFreeDisk
- mozilla qt
ar018 at yahoo.com
Last message date:
Sat Apr 30 16:33:15 UTC 2005
Archived on: Tue Oct 9 14:08:01 UTC 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).