Copy'paste from Konqueror to OpenOffice doesn't go well with special locale chars (e.g. æ ø å )

Frederik Dannemare frederik at
Mon Apr 11 01:19:09 UTC 2005


My girlfriend is having trouble copy'pasting from Konqueror to 
OpenOffice. The Danish special characters "æ ø å" show up as weird 
characters upon pasting them into OpenOffice.

When I come to think of it, it looks pretty much like when viewing an 
UTF-8 encoded file with a non-UTF-8 viewer.

She can circumvent the problem by pasting into KWrite first and then do 
a copy'paste from KWrite to OpenOffice, but she is pretty unhappy with 
having to do that extra step all the time.

I can reproduce the problem on my Kubuntu laptop as well. Not on my 
Sarge and Sid machines, though.

Is anybody else having such problems?

Best regards,
Frederik Dannemare | |
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