Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?

Leaf grove.warden at
Wed Apr 6 20:52:33 UTC 2005

On Wednesday 06 April 2005 11:05, Abdullah Ramazanoglu wrote:
> Tony Jaudon wrote:
> > On Tuesday 05 April 2005 23:26, Abdullah Ramazanoglu wrote:
> >> Leaf wrote:
> >>> On Tuesday 05 April 2005 20:08, Frederik Dannemare wrote:
> >>
> >>   --8<--
> >>
> >>> Since I am always switching distros I have had the opportunity to have
> >>> this bug occur across different distros (PCLOS, FC3 and Kubuntu, off
> >>> the top of my head). The common denominator was KDE 3.4, so I am not so
> >>> sure this is a Kubuntu bug.
> >>
> >> I would rather see Kubuntu coming out a month later with a stabilized
> >> KDE 3.4 as per
> >>
> >
> > How does that apply to what I said?  I agree, nothing should be rushed
> > and dates can be pushed back, however my comment was about the bug in
> > question not about Kubuntu's release date.
> I was shamelessly taking the liberty to use your comments as a foreword to
> a wish. :)
> BTW I've noticed that the link is now leading to the start of the mentioned
> thread, instead of the part I meant to refer. Here is inline version of the
> link:
> "KDE 3.4 is too fresh. AFAIK KDE is known to re-release a stable update
> usually a month or so after each major release. So I wish Kubuntu would
> postpone the final Hoary release date just a bit to include soon to be
> updated KDE. It might set it back a month or so from Canonical Hoary
> (Gnome), but it would provide a stable distro for the next 5 months."
> --
> Abdullah Ramazanoglu
> aramazan ÄT myrealbox D0T cöm

Back on topic, that bug IS KDE 3.4, not Kubuntu -

It was once resolved but has reappeared in KDE 3.4.  There are ALOT of issues 
in the KDE Control Center, I have had quite a few across various distros now.

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