How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?

Lewis Futrell lfutrell at
Fri Apr 22 17:14:58 UTC 2005

As per this review
(, I followed
it's instructions with visudo and the admin button works like a champ now.

Lewis Futrell
Intrex Computers, Greensboro

-----Original Message-----
From: Frederik Dannemare [mailto:frederik at] 
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 5:58 AM
To: kubuntu-users at
Subject: Re: How do I get into Admin mode in Control Center?

On Thursday 21 April 2005 22:01, Peter Barnes wrote:
> When I go to Control Centre > Internet & Network > Samba,
> everything is greyed out. So I guess I need the
> Administrator Mode. But when I click on the Admin button
> and enter my password it throws me back to the Internet &
> Network menu. Opening Samba again from this still gives a
> greyed out window. How do I get access to these settings
> through the Control Center?
> Thanks,


As a workaround, 'sudo kcontrol' should work.

Frederik Dannemare | |
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