Language and keyboard problems

Nuno Miguel dos Santos Baeta nmsb at
Mon Apr 11 02:22:37 UTC 2005


I've just installed Kubuntu 5.04 on an iMac Rev. A and had very few 
problems.  Screen resolution was something awkward, but I solved the 
problem with runing

	dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.

I was also hoping to solve another problem - the keyboard layout - but 
I'm still unable to write characters such as @, {, [, ], }.  BTW, my 
keyboard has a portuguese layout.  Any ideas how to solve this problem?

Finally, during installation I choose english as the default language. 
How do I change english to another language (I want portuguese) without 
having to reinstall everything?

Thanks for your help!

Nuno Miguel dos Santos Baeta
ille nihil dubitat quem nulla scientia dictat

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