all my experiences and problems with kubuntu so far

Abdullah Ramazanoglu ar018 at
Tue Apr 12 13:03:18 UTC 2005

begin  Peter Shillan dedi ki:
> On Apr 12, 2005 1:10 PM, Gunny Wallen <gunnyman at> wrote:
>> 've read this thread and I have to agree.
>> Kubuntu feels like it was "tacked on" to Hoary.
>> Gnome on the other hand is polished in just about every way.
>> At this point the only KDE app I am using is amaroK.
> I think that is rather harsh and, if I may say so, rather undervalues
> the work of the Kubuntu team.  I feel they are doing a sterling job.
> It is perhaps natural, since they do not have the same resources
> available, that the KDE strand might take a little longer to get
> right.

And they're having to do it the hard way. Ubuntu is being designed from the
ground up *exclusively* for Gnome, and producing a KDE based distro upon
this foundation must be particularly hard. Kubuntu devs have not much say
in what goes into base seed nor it's them who package the apps with lots
of unnecessary Gnome dependencies (take Firefox f.ex.).

I hope Ubuntu will unentangle, via modularization, from Gnome in the
future. This doesn't affect at all their Gnome orientation, but just
facilitates others to join as well. Currently their approach is
"exclusive", which might prove to be an uninhabitable place for non-Gnome

> The new KDE version (3.4) is a far greater upgrade than Gnome 
> 2.6->2.8 and has lots of new features that need to be tested.  That's
> what we are doing here.

Frankly I believe it was an error both going for KDE 3.4 and following
Ubuntu release schedule in lock-step. Either one of them should have been
skipped: Kubuntu should have either come out with KDE 3.3 at the same time
with Ubuntu, or with KDE 3.4 a month or so after Ubuntu.

Best regards
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
aramazan ÄT myrealbox D0T cöm

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