March 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Mar 1 00:51:42 UTC 2005
Ending: Thu Mar 31 21:37:02 UTC 2005
Messages: 489
- Xhosa translation and documentation freeze
Adi Attar
- Freeze date for the documentation
Adi Attar
- Docteam translations
Adi Attar
- Release notes update: Suspend-to-disk
Jeff Bailey
- Release notes: Getting a /dev/cdrom symlink
Jeff Bailey
- Help for Newbies
Corey Burger
- Screenshot of Login Screen
Corey Burger
- Post Hoary
Corey Burger
- Docteam meeting
Corey Burger
- Post Hoary
Corey Burger
- Post Hoary
Corey Burger
- Post Hoary
Corey Burger
- Post Hoary
Corey Burger
- Post Hoary
Corey Burger
- Big change to Quickguide
Corey Burger
- Quickguide update
Corey Burger
- Quick Guide: Desktop-Menu or System-menu?
Corey Burger
- Quickguide update
Corey Burger
- Rehashing wikis
Corey Burger
- Quickguide fix redux
Corey Burger
- Quickguide fix redux
Corey Burger
- Quickguide update
Corey Burger
- Editing of Documents
Corey Burger
- Editing of Documents
Corey Burger
- The user(s) vs you
Corey Burger
- Swapping images in Quickguide
Corey Burger
- Language swap
Corey Burger
- The user(s) vs you
Corey Burger
- Language swap
Corey Burger
- Apologies
Corey Burger
- Language swap
Corey Burger
- Hung up on wikis
Corey Burger
- The user(s) vs you
Corey Burger
- Wiki fixes addition
Corey Burger
- The user(s) vs you
Corey Burger
- The user(s) vs you
Corey Burger
- The user(s) vs you
Corey Burger
- What shouldn't really happen
Corey Burger
- Removal of Sean Wheller as author
Corey Burger
- two issues with quickguide
Corey Burger
- Meeting on Sat UTC
Corey Burger
- Meeting on Sat UTC
Corey Burger
- two issues with quickguide
Corey Burger
- two issues with quickguide
Corey Burger
- Hung up on wikis
Corey Burger
- Minutes of the meeting
Corey Burger
- Managing GNOME and KDE Docs
Corey Burger
- Managing Translations
Corey Burger
- Marking docs in wiki per release
Corey Burger
- new howto
Corey Burger
- new howto
Corey Burger
- What to do with HOWTOs and external docs
Corey Burger
- [idea] round tripping
Corey Burger
- Managing Translations
Corey Burger
- Removing authors
Corey Burger
- Managing Translations
Corey Burger
- Removing authors
Corey Burger
- moin on the wiki
Corey Burger
- moin on the wiki
Corey Burger
- The wonders of gmail
Corey Burger
- KDE Install Doc
Corey Burger
- Managing GNOME and KDE Docs
Corey Burger
- i855-crt package description is incorrect
Corey Burger
- i855-crt package description is incorrect
Corey Burger
- Translating Docteam documentation
Corey Burger
- Wiki ideas
Corey Burger
- Wiki ideas
Corey Burger
- Wiki ideas
Corey Burger
- Help for Newbies
George Deka
- Docteam packages uploaded in Hoary
George Deka
- voting system
George Deka
- Becoming a member...?
Drasko Draskovic
- voting system
Drasko Draskovic
- Marking docs in wiki per release
Drasko Draskovic
- Rehashing wikis
Matthew East
- Rehashing wikis
Matthew East
- Rehashing wikis
Matthew East
- Release Announcments - important notes IMHO.
Matthew East
- Rehashing wikis
Matthew East
- Rehashing wikis
Matthew East
- Apologies
Matthew East
- Hung up on wikis
Matthew East
- Rehashing wikis
Matthew East
- icon files renamed in wiki
Matthew East
- icon files renamed in wiki
Matthew East
- icon files renamed in wiki
Matthew East
- icon files renamed in wiki
Matthew East
- new howto
Matthew East
- Rehashing wikis
Matthew East
- Rehashing wikis
Matthew East
- Rehashing wikis
Matthew East
- voting system
Matthew East
- Rehashing wikis
Matthew East
- new howto
Matthew East
- Marking docs in wiki per release
Matthew East
- Rehashing wikis
Matthew East
- moin on the wiki
Matthew East
- moin on the wiki
Matthew East
- moin on the wiki
Matthew East
- moin on the wiki
Matthew East
- moin on the wiki
Matthew East
- icon files renamed in wiki
Matthew East
- icon files renamed in wiki
Matthew East
- Rehashing wikis
Matthew East
- Couple of amendments to website
Matthew East
- Couple of amendments to website
Matthew East
- Couple of amendments to website
Matthew East
- warty -> hoary
Matthew East
- Rehashing wikis
Matthew East
- Rehashing wikis
Matthew East
- Docteam translations
Matthew East
- Wiki ideas
Matthew East
- My Birthday please
Matthew East
- Hung up on wikis
Christian Egli
- new member
Hodgins Family
- Documentation team: selected open tasks
Mary Gardiner
- Need someone to take over as list mod
Mary Gardiner
- Power management (Re: 2005-03-03 Ubuntu-doc report)
Mary Gardiner
- Meeting on Sat UTC
Mary Gardiner
- two issues with quickguide
Mary Gardiner
- voting system
Mary Gardiner
- Rehashing wikis
Mary Gardiner
- Rehashing wikis
Mary Gardiner
- Rehashing wikis
Mary Gardiner
- Rehashing wikis
Mary Gardiner
- voting system
Mary Gardiner
- moin on the wiki
Mary Gardiner
- moin on the wiki
Mary Gardiner
- Release notes item on suspend to RAM
Matthew Garrett
- Release notes item on suspend to RAM
Matthew Garrett
- Wiki disaster
Jerome Gotangco
- Wiki disaster
Jerome Gotangco
- Docteam meeting
Sivan Green
- Release Announcments - important notes IMHO.
Sivan Green
- I received this in the mail today
Red HamsterX
- I wanna join to translators and docs group
Juan Fernando Villa Hernandez
- My Birthday please
Juan Fernando Villa Hernndez
- [jane.silber at [Fwd: wiki front page]]
Benj. Mako Hill
- Small Last Minute Changes (Sorry!)
Benj. Mako Hill
- Need someone to take over as list mod
John Hornbeck
- I received this in the mail today
John Hornbeck
- new member
Jonathan Jesse
- new member
Jonathan Jesse
- 2005-03-03 Ubuntu-doc report
Jonathan Jesse
- Post Hoary
Jonathan Jesse
- Wiki -- Upgrading from Warty Warthog to Hoary Hedgehog
Jonathan Jesse
- Wiki -- Upgrading from Warty Warthog to Hoary Hedgehog
Jonathan Jesse
- Wiki -- Upgrading from Warty Warthog to Hoary Hedgehog
Jonathan Jesse
- The user(s) vs you
Jonathan Jesse
- The user(s) vs you
Jonathan Jesse
- Structure of DocTeam
Jonathan Jesse
- voting system
Jonathan Jesse
- AdminGuide
Jonathan Jesse
- Review wanted
Jonathan Jesse
- Review wanted
Jonathan Jesse
- Managing GNOME and KDE Docs
Jonathan Jesse
- I received this in the mail today
Jonathan Jesse
- ordinary computer user
John Levin
- Docteam meeting
John Levin
- Docteam meeting
John Levin
- Docteam meeting next thursday (2005-03-10) 17.00UTC
John Levin
- Docteam meeting next thursday (2005-03-10) 17.00UTC
- Docteam meeting next thursday (2005-03-10) 17.00UTC
- voting system
- Release Notes Status, and the freeze date
Nick Loeve
- Release Notes Status, and the freeze date
Nick Loeve
- [martin.pitt at Re: Release status update (or, Hoary and you)]
Nick Loeve
- Docteam Meeting
Nick Loeve
- To Yelp or not to Yelp? That's the Question
Nick Loeve
- Keyboard Layout Selector
Nick Loeve
- Keyboard Layout Selector
Nick Loeve
- Keyboard Layout Selector
Nick Loeve
- adding ubuntu-doc to release notes
Nick Loeve
- adding ubuntu-doc to release notes
Nick Loeve
- adding ubuntu-doc to release notes
Nick Loeve
- adding ubuntu-doc to release notes
Nick Loeve
- email down
Nick Loeve
- Release notes item on suspend to RAM
Nick Loeve
- Release notes item on suspend to RAM
Nick Loeve
- Docteam meeting next thursday (2005-03-10) 17.00UTC
Nick Loeve
- Docteam meeting next thursday (2005-03-10) 17.00UTC
Nick Loeve
- Anyone to put fresh screen captures in place?
Nick Loeve
- Screen captures
Nick Loeve
- Rehashing wikis
Nick Loeve
- Release Notes Status, and the freeze date
Nick Loeve
- Wiki -- Upgrading from Warty Warthog to Hoary Hedgehog
Nick Loeve
- Wiki -- Upgrading from Warty Warthog to Hoary Hedgehog
Nick Loeve
- Release Notes Status, and the freeze date
Nick Loeve
- The user(s) vs you
Nick Loeve
- Language swap
Nick Loeve
- C ya
Nick Loeve
- Apologies
Nick Loeve
- Apologies
Nick Loeve
- [carlos.perello at Re: Freeze date for the documentation]
Nick Loeve
- Meeting on Sat UTC
Nick Loeve
- Meeting on Sat UTC
Nick Loeve
- [carlos.perello at Re: Freeze date for the documentation]
Nick Loeve
- Meeting on Sat UTC
Nick Loeve
- voting system
Nick Loeve
- [wanted] thoughts on repos structure
Nick Loeve
- voting system
Nick Loeve
- Managing Translations
Nick Loeve
- AdminGuide
Nick Loeve
- Release notes update: Suspend-to-disk
Nick Loeve
- Release notes update: Suspend-to-disk
Nick Loeve
- Managing Translations
Nick Loeve
- Release Notes Kubuntu
Nick Loeve
- Release Notes Kubuntu
Nick Loeve
- moin on the wiki
Nick Loeve
- generating .pot files for documents
Nick Loeve
- Managing GNOME and KDE Docs
Nick Loeve
- Fixing images in release-notes
Nick Loeve
- Fixing images in release-notes
Nick Loeve
- Kubuntu
Nick Loeve
- Kubuntu
Nick Loeve
- Kubuntu
Nick Loeve
- release notes images
Nick Loeve
- release notes images
Nick Loeve
- warty -> hoary
Nick Loeve
- Small Last Minute Changes (Sorry!)
Nick Loeve
- Procedure to get documentation to translate imported into Rosetta
Nick Loeve
- Tag for Hoary
Nick Loeve
- Docteam translations
Nick Loeve
- Tag for Hoary
Nick Loeve
- Tag for Hoary
Nick Loeve
- Wiki ideas
Nick Loeve
- Tag for Hoary
Nick Loeve
- rebuilding from .pot files
Nick Loeve
- rebuilding from .pot files
Nick Loeve
- rebuilding from .pot files
Nick Loeve
- Wiki ideas
Nick Loeve
- Procedure to get documentation to translate imported into Rosetta
Carlos Perelló Marín
- Procedure to get documentation to translate imported into Rosetta
Carlos Perelló Marín
- Procedure to get documentation to translate imported into Rosetta
Carlos Perelló Marín
- Added wiki page about Repositories
Rui Tiago Matos
- OMF files
Thom May
- Small Last Minute Changes (Sorry!)
Thom May
- 2005-02-24 Ubuntu-doc report
Simon Michael
- Post Hoary
Simon Michael
- Post Hoary
Simon Michael
- Post Hoary
Simon Michael
- icon files renamed in wiki
Simon Michael
- icon files renamed in wiki
Simon Michael
- icon files renamed in wiki
Simon Michael
- [idea] round tripping
Simon Michael
- Rehashing wikis
Simon Michael
- Rehashing wikis
Simon Michael
- Rehashing wikis
Simon Michael
- voting system
Simon Michael
- Rehashing wikis
Simon Michael
- Marking docs in wiki per release
Simon Michael
- moin on the wiki
Simon Michael
- renamed DocumentationArea
Simon Michael
- Procedure to get documentation to translate imported into Rosetta
Claude Paroz
- Translation and Wiki
Claude Paroz
- Tag for Hoary
Claude Paroz
- [Fwd: Traductions des notes d'information à propos d'hoary]
Claude Paroz
- Tag for Hoary
Claude Paroz
- [Fwd: Traductions des notes d'information à propos d'hoary]
Claude Paroz
- Tag for Hoary
Claude Paroz
- Tag for Hoary
Claude Paroz
- Yelp doesn't do xref or trademark tags
Jeff Schering
- Yelp doesn't do xref or trademark tags
Jeff Schering
- Post Hoary
Jeff Schering
- Docteam meeting
Jeff Schering
- Rehashing wikis
Jeff Schering
- 2005-03-03 Ubuntu-doc report
Jeff Schering
- Docteam meeting next thursday (2005-03-10) 17.00UTC
Jeff Schering
- Editing of Documents
Jeff Schering
- two issues with quickguide
Jeff Schering
- two issues with quickguide
Jeff Schering
- two issues with quickguide
Jeff Schering
- two issues with quickguide
Jeff Schering
- xrefs in yelp
Jeff Schering
- Reminder: meeting today at 23:00 UTC
Jeff Schering
- [idea] round tripping
Jeff Schering
- 2 issues in quick guide
Jeff Schering
- 2 issues in quick guide
Stephen Shirley
- Wiki ideas
Mark Shuttleworth
- Wiki ideas
Mark Shuttleworth
- wiki front page
Jane Silber
- Release Notes Status, and the freeze date
Daniel Stone
- Post Hoary
Matthew Thomas
- Language swap
Matthew Thomas
- Managing Translations
Matthew Thomas
- Quick Guide Status Report
Ari Torhamo
- Quick Guide Status Report
Ari Torhamo
- Patch to Quick Guide
Ari Torhamo
- Patch to Quick Guide (Take Screenshot...)
Ari Torhamo
- Quick Guide: Desktop-Menu or System-menu?
Ari Torhamo
- Quick Guide: Desktop-Menu or System-menu?
Ari Torhamo
- Anyone to put fresh screen captures in place?
Ari Torhamo
- The user(s) vs you
Ari Torhamo
- Apologies
Ari Torhamo
- Upgrade notes Warty -> Hoary: some important things are missing
Mario Vukelic
- Upgrade notes Warty -> Hoary: some important things are missing
Mario Vukelic
- Upgrade notes Warty -> Hoary: some important things are missing
Mario Vukelic
- Upgrade notes Warty -> Hoary: some important things are missing
Mario Vukelic
- ordinary computer user
Sean Wheller
- Quick Guide Status Report
Sean Wheller
- Quick Guide Status Report
Sean Wheller
- Quick Guide Status Report
Sean Wheller
- Xhosa translation and documentation freeze
Sean Wheller
- Patch to Quick Guide (Take Screenshot...)
Sean Wheller
- Release Notes Status, and the freeze date
Sean Wheller
- Patch to Quick Guide
Sean Wheller
- Help for Newbies
Sean Wheller
- Patch to Quick Guide (Take Screenshot...)
Sean Wheller
- Help for Newbies
Sean Wheller
- can i contribute to the doc team?
Sean Wheller
- GNOME BitTorrent
Sean Wheller
- Sound Recorder
Sean Wheller
- Add Remove Programs
Sean Wheller
- Palm OS Devices
Sean Wheller
- Screen Resolution
Sean Wheller
- Yelp doesn't do xref or trademark tags
Sean Wheller
- Role Back DocType Decl
Sean Wheller
- Patch to Quick Guide (Take Screenshot...)
Sean Wheller
- validity errors in FAQ Guide
Sean Wheller
- Patch to Quick Guide (Take Screenshot...)
Sean Wheller
- OMF Category for Ubuntu
Sean Wheller
- OMF/Scrollkeeper
Sean Wheller
- OMF Category for Ubuntu
Sean Wheller
- System > About Ubuntu
Sean Wheller
- Screenshots needing updates?
Sean Wheller
- OMF files
Sean Wheller
- Direction of the next step
Sean Wheller
- Screenshot of Login Screen
Sean Wheller
- To Yelp or not to Yelp? That's the Question
Sean Wheller
- Small sync with Matt Zimmerman
Sean Wheller
- Freeze date for the documentation
Sean Wheller
- Small sync with Matt Zimmerman
Sean Wheller
- Post Hoary
Sean Wheller
- Docteam meeting
Sean Wheller
- A couple of fresh screenshots for Quick Guide (with comments)
Sean Wheller
- 2005-03-03 Ubuntu-doc report
Sean Wheller
- Post Hoary
Sean Wheller
- Screenshot of Login Screen
Sean Wheller
- To Yelp or not to Yelp? That's the Question
Sean Wheller
- Post Hoary
Sean Wheller
- Keyboard Layout Selector
Sean Wheller
- adding ubuntu-doc to release notes
Sean Wheller
- adding ubuntu-doc to release notes
Sean Wheller
- adding ubuntu-doc to release notes
Sean Wheller
- Documentation team: selected open tasks
Sean Wheller
- ubuntu-faqguide and ubuntu-quickguide added to desktop seed
Sean Wheller
- Quickguide update
Sean Wheller
- Docteam meeting next thursday (2005-03-10) 17.00UTC
Sean Wheller
- Quick Guide: Desktop-Menu or System-menu?
Sean Wheller
- Release Announcments - important notes IMHO.
Sean Wheller
- Quickguide fix redux
Sean Wheller
- Editing of Documents
Sean Wheller
- Editing of Documents
Sean Wheller
- The user(s) vs you
Sean Wheller
- Language swap
Sean Wheller
- C ya
Sean Wheller
- xrefs in yelp
Sean Wheller
- Becoming a member...?
Sean Wheller
- Reminder: meeting today at 22:00 UTC
Sean Wheller
- Reminder: meeting today at 22:00 UTC
Sean Wheller
- Minutes of the meeting
Sean Wheller
- voting system
Sean Wheller
- [wanted] thoughts on repos structure
Sean Wheller
- voting system
Sean Wheller
- Managing Translations
Sean Wheller
- Managing GNOME and KDE Docs
Sean Wheller
- How to know where external repositories are
Sean Wheller
- What to do with HOWTOs and external docs
Sean Wheller
- Managing Translations
Sean Wheller
- [idea] round tripping
Sean Wheller
- FAQGuide
Sean Wheller
- voting system
Sean Wheller
- Release Notes Kubuntu
Sean Wheller
- Marking docs in wiki per release
Sean Wheller
- Managing Translations
Sean Wheller
- [idea] round tripping
Sean Wheller
- Managing Translations
Sean Wheller
- Release Notes Kubuntu
Sean Wheller
- Managing Translations
Sean Wheller
- top posting
Sean Wheller
- Removing authors
Sean Wheller
- Release Notes Kubuntu
Sean Wheller
- Release Notes Kubuntu
Sean Wheller
- Review wanted
Sean Wheller
- LearnLinux
Sean Wheller
- Review wanted
Sean Wheller
- Managing GNOME and KDE Docs
Sean Wheller
- Managing GNOME and KDE Docs
Sean Wheller
- Fixing images in release-notes
Sean Wheller
- KDE Install Doc
Sean Wheller
- Kubuntu
Sean Wheller
- Kubuntu
Sean Wheller
- Kubuntu
Sean Wheller
- Fixing images in release-notes
Sean Wheller
- Fixing images in release-notes
Sean Wheller
- Translating Docteam documentation
Sean Wheller
- Small Last Minute Changes (Sorry!)
Sean Wheller
- Small Last Minute Changes (Sorry!)
Sean Wheller
- Tag for Hoary
Sean Wheller
- Small Last Minute Changes (Sorry!)
Sean Wheller
- Tag for Hoary
Sean Wheller
- Docteam translations
Sean Wheller
- [Fwd: Traductions des notes d'information à propos d'hoary]
Sean Wheller
- Tag for Hoary
Sean Wheller
- Wiki ideas
Sean Wheller
- Tag for Hoary
Sean Wheller
- Tag for Hoary
Sean Wheller
- Wiki ideas
Sean Wheller
- rebuilding from .pot files
Sean Wheller
- rebuilding from .pot files
Sean Wheller
- Tag for Hoary
Sean Wheller
- I received this in the mail today
Sean Wheller
- Wiki ideas
Sean Wheller
- Release Notes Status, and the freeze date
Matt Zimmerman
- Patch to Quick Guide (Take Screenshot...)
Matt Zimmerman
- System > About Ubuntu
Matt Zimmerman
- [martin.pitt at Re: Release status update (or, Hoary and you)]
Matt Zimmerman
- Small sync with Matt Zimmerman
Matt Zimmerman
- Keyboard Layout Selector
Matt Zimmerman
- Keyboard Layout Selector
Matt Zimmerman
- ubuntu-faqguide and ubuntu-quickguide added to desktop seed
Matt Zimmerman
- ubuntu-faqguide and ubuntu-quickguide added to desktop seed
Matt Zimmerman
- Release Notes Status, and the freeze date
Matt Zimmerman
- Release notes update: Suspend-to-disk
Matt Zimmerman
- Release notes update: Suspend-to-disk
Matt Zimmerman
- moin on the wiki
Matt Zimmerman
- moin on the wiki
Matt Zimmerman
- warty -> hoary
Matt Zimmerman
- Small Last Minute Changes (Sorry!)
Matt Zimmerman
- Upgrade notes Warty -> Hoary: some important things are missing
Matt Zimmerman
- Small Last Minute Changes (Sorry!)
Matt Zimmerman
- Docteam packages uploaded in Hoary
Enrico Zini
- Docteam packages uploaded in Hoary
Enrico Zini
- OMF files
Enrico Zini
- validity errors in FAQ Guide
Enrico Zini
- Direction of the next step
Enrico Zini
- 2005-03-03 Ubuntu-doc report
Enrico Zini
- new member
Enrico Zini
- Screenshot of Login Screen
Enrico Zini
- Freeze date for the documentation
Enrico Zini
- Small sync with Matt Zimmerman
Enrico Zini
- Docteam meeting
Enrico Zini
- Docteam meeting
Enrico Zini
- Screenshot of Login Screen
Enrico Zini
- Need someone to take over as list mod
Enrico Zini
- Docteam meeting next thursday (2005-03-10) 17.00UTC
Enrico Zini
- Docteam meeting next thursday (2005-03-10) 17.00UTC
Enrico Zini
- Docteam meeting next SATURDAY (2005-03-12) 22.00UTC to 23:00UTC
Enrico Zini
- Quickguide fix redux
Enrico Zini
- The user(s) vs you
Enrico Zini
- Swapping images in Quickguide
Enrico Zini
- Apologies
Enrico Zini
- [carlos.perello at Re: Freeze date for the documentation]
Enrico Zini
- Apologies
Enrico Zini
- Meeting on Sat UTC
Enrico Zini
- [carlos.perello at Re: Freeze date for the documentation]
Enrico Zini
- Meeting on Sat UTC
Enrico Zini
- two issues with quickguide
Enrico Zini
- Structure of DocTeam
Enrico Zini
- Hung up on wikis
Enrico Zini
- Hung up on wikis
Enrico Zini
- Reminder: meeting today at 23:00 UTC
Enrico Zini
- Reminder: meeting today at 22:00 UTC
Enrico Zini
- icon files renamed in wiki
Enrico Zini
- Minutes of the meeting
Enrico Zini
- Minutes of the meeting
Enrico Zini
- voting system
Enrico Zini
- AdminGuide
Enrico Zini
- Fixing images in release-notes
Enrico Zini
- Fixing images in release-notes
Enrico Zini
- release notes images
Enrico Zini
- [bugzilla-daemon at [Bug 8188] New: Some typos in the "about ubuntu" pages]
Enrico Zini
- Translating Docteam documentation
Enrico Zini
- Translating Docteam documentation
Enrico Zini
- Translating Docteam documentation
amos at
- i855-crt package description is incorrect
mrquick at
- icon files renamed in wiki
matthew.east at
- icon files renamed in wiki
matthew.east at
- Procedure to get documentation to translate imported into Rosetta
matthew.east at
- Wiki disaster
matthew.east at
- Wiki disaster
matthew.east at
- Wiki disaster
matthew.east at
- can i contribute to the doc team?
chetan loke
- Help for Newbies
- Help for Newbies
- Help for Newbies
- Add Remove Programs
- ubuntu-faqguide and ubuntu-quickguide added to desktop seed
- Bulgarian translation team
Мирослав Рачев
Last message date:
Thu Mar 31 21:37:02 UTC 2005
Archived on: Mon Jul 4 09:15:53 UTC 2011
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).