Wiki ideas

Corey Burger corey.burger at
Wed Mar 30 08:59:26 UTC 2005

If it was easy, it would be done already. But it can be done. The main
issue I see broken tags. Have to be a fairly robust system to avoid


On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 10:39:09 +0200, Sean Wheller <sean at> wrote:
> On Wednesday 30 March 2005 10:16, Corey Burger wrote:
> > I haven't look at it at all beyond that I know it exists.
> >
> > I would love to get further into Python stuff. I began teaching myself
> > late last year but kind of stalled recently.
> I don't really care about the technology behind it. The technology should be
> transparent.
> A stab at requirements would include:
> 1. locate an XML instance.
> 2. add an XML instance.
> 3. edit an XML instance.
> 4. save an XML instance.
> 5. web-front edits web-app working copy
> 6. admin to check edits
> 7. admin to create patches
> 8. admin to apply patches to svn
> The editor options could include WYSIOO Structured Editor and XML Source
> editor.
> Then we need to transform to X/HTML and maybe PDF and upload to Web Site.
> All this is easier said than done.
> --
> Sean Wheller
> Technical Author
> sean at
> Registered Linux User #375355

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