Hung up on wikis

Christian Egli christian.egli at
Fri Mar 11 13:45:36 UTC 2005

Corey Burger <corey.burger at> writes:

> Hey All,

Hey Corey

> Ok, so lets drop the wiki name. Really these are web-based docs, well
> formatted and mostly static. The advantage of webbased is easy adding
> of further stuff as needed.
> So for our task-based wiki docs, the current wiki needs some work. 

I appreciate that the current wiki could be better and that the
mediawiki has fancy features. However I think this whole focus on new
tools that are "really needed" to get the documentation done is beyond
me. The tools are important but in the end you still have to write the
docu. Some tools might support this usecase better, others are more
geared towards another usecase. 

This whole tool discussion just wears everybody down.

>From what I understand there is no existing wiki that has all the
features you want/need. So you have everybody running around
installing new wikis which end up being not good enough. Meanwhile no
docu is beeing written.

So shouldn't we all settle down and work with the environment we have?

Christian Egli       christian.egli at   +41 1 272 9161
                     Wyona AG, Hardstrasse 219, CH-8005 Zurich
Open Source CMS 

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