Wiki ideas
Mark Shuttleworth
mark at
Tue Mar 29 10:37:20 UTC 2005
Hi folks
The wiki is growing far faster than I ever dreamed possible, and that's
largely thanks to the doc teams efforts both at creating wiki pages and
at organising them.
Currently, our wiki is part of Plone, and we're experiencing some
scalability issues associated with that that have prompted us to
consider other options.
We've funded the packaginf of Moin 1.3 by Jonas Smedegaard, the Debian
maintainer of the Moin1.2 packages. These 1.3 packages will likely make
it into Hoary, though there is not automated upgrade process for moving
from 1.2 to 1.3 there is a manual process that is documented.
As an experiment, we are creating a new Moin 1.3 wiki for all of the
content related to Ubuntu Down Under (our Sydney conference, in late
April). If that goes very well, we can consider migrating all content
into Moin 1.3, based on your own suggestions and feedback.
I know that moving wiki formats is traumatic so we are conducting this
experiment with all-new content to try to minimise the impact of the
testing. I'd love to see discussion of the results of the test on this
list and include that in the final decision.
It was my call to move to the Plone-based wiki, to try to get an
integrated search. We'll now have to look into other search options to
include the UDU wiki, any suggestions are welcome. If someone knows how
to drive Google to include the wiki and mailing lists in a search, that would be a great idea to pursue, and perhaps
we could make that the official search plan.
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