Docteam translations

Nick Loeve ubuntu at
Mon Mar 28 22:35:58 UTC 2005

Matthew East wrote:
> Hi,
> First of all, please excuse my English.
> The Docteam documentations has been finalised for hoary now and it needs
> translating. The following documents are in the docteam svn repository
> (
> AboutUbuntu and ReleaseNotes in .pot file format. I thought that I would
> message some of the LocoTeams to ask if you're interested in organising
> translation of these docs. Basically they need to be translated and
> returned to the docteam in .po format. The French version is already
> done, and I've messaged the italian list separately. We can forward
> copies of the .pot files if you can't get em off the repository.
> No worries if it can't be done, it was just an idea.
> I'm not subscribed to any of your lists, so hopefully this message will
> be moderated through quickly! Sorry if I've missed locoteams off but
> please spread the word if you like.
> If this works, then perhaps it might be able to form the base of a
> greater alliance between the locoteams and the translators.
> yours, Matt

Thanks Matt,

The .pot files for About Ubuntu, The Ubuntu Quickguide, and the Release 
Notes are also going into Rosetta in the next couple of days. They will 
be listed for the packages: ubuntu-doc and ubuntu-quickguide.

trickie (Nick Loeve)

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