Yelp doesn't do xref or trademark tags

Sean Wheller sean at
Wed Mar 2 17:41:39 UTC 2005

On Wednesday 02 March 2005 19:41, Jeff Schering wrote:
> I see that the version of Yelp I have on my machine (2.6.4) can't
> handle xref or trademark tags. This means that in several places in
> the yelp version of quickguide, there are blanks where a reader would
> expect information. There are a couple of places where bulleted lists
> have nothing but bullets.
> Does any one know if Hoary Yelp will have the ability to handle these
> tags? Is there some sort of workaround so that we don't have blanks in
> the yelp version?

Hello Jeff,

Yes there are many problems with Yelp. I would prefer not to use Yelp to view 
our Documentation. But some people are stuck on it, so it's a bit of a 
religious thing.

I would much prefer we just used the HTML format under FireFox. We had this 
discussion sometime back.

Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at
Registered Linux User #375355
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