Becoming a member...?

Sean Wheller sean at
Sat Mar 12 13:15:14 UTC 2005

On Saturday 12 March 2005 11:48, Drasko Draskovic wrote:
> Hi everybody. I am thinking about joining Ubuntu Doc team, but,
> although I strolled through the wiki, I could not find the actual
> answer how to officialy join the team. Can anybouty point me out -
> where to find registration forms, or somethink alike?

Hello Drasko,

You are very welcome.
The place to start is

Documentation works happens in two places
1. On the Wiki
2. In Subversion using Docbook XML.

For the wiki you just need to register

To work on the sources in Subversion you can checkout a working copy of the 
source and apply patches.

If you are not familiar with things like Docbook and Subversion, don't worry, 
we will help you though. Just ask questions.
Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at
Registered Linux User #375355
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