Rehashing wikis

Matthew East matthew.east at
Wed Mar 9 02:34:51 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 18:27 -0800, Corey Burger wrote:

> 2. Turn into the offical website for ALL ubuntu docs
> -move all existing docs at both in and out of the wiki to here

The reason I would support this idea is that it would replace SEVERAL
docs sources with one, and this is really important for users,
especially those who are not that experienced with computers.

But in any case, I think spending time on the existing wiki is not
wasted time, and the structure can be improved so that accessibility is
made easier. Some other things I've noticed as I browse:

1. ATM the FrontPage does not really guide users to what they are
looking for, although the structure is not bad. And the
DocumentationArea wiki seems to be acting as a sort of second FrontPage,
with more references, and more "children", but less structure. Perhaps
the strengths of the two might be combined.

2. The FrontPage is the parent of some random users' individual pages


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