Rehashing wikis

Matthew East matthew.east at
Mon Mar 14 23:53:38 UTC 2005

> But the trouble is we simply can't list all the documentation on the
> front page without having people lose other things. 

Yes listing all the documentation would be unfeasible. In the docs
category we need categories such as "Installation Guides",
"Administration", "Desktop User Guides", "Different Languages" etc.
( mmmmmmm)

One thing I feel fairly strongly about: I don't think that divisions
should be made between HowTos, MiniHowTos, Tips, etc. Categories should
be subject based.

Then in other sections (Development, Releases, Events) a similar scheme
would apply. IMO this could be done in a fairly organised FrontPage,
pointing at subpages.

You're right there is not much of this. It wouldn't take _that_ much
work to get it looking half decent tho, and i for one am willing to
start a draft going. If we get a draft up, we can all alter it and/or
add comments at the bottom.

Thank you all for feedback.

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