Patch to Quick Guide (Take Screenshot...)

Sean Wheller sean at
Wed Mar 2 11:05:06 UTC 2005

On Wednesday 02 March 2005 12:03, Ari Torhamo wrote:
> I just noticed that the Quick Guide tells that you can take a screen
> shot not only of the whole screen, but also of an application window or
> a dialog. To my understanding this is not possible - at least not at the
> current version of the application. I attached a patch to correct this
> in the Quick Guide. I just corrected the error and didn't add anything
> else to the chapter (I tried to, but didn't find any fancy words :-)
> I'm not sure if the English in my patch is good - sorry if it's not and
> thanks in advance for correcting style/misspellings.

Hello Ari,

Your patch spans many lines across the document. I have checked the patch and 
found majority of the changes would not be gramatically correct. 

I have therefore decided not to apply this patch. Please revert your working 
copy of quickguide.xml to r625. Then modify the Screenshot section as 
required. You are indeed correct that it is not possible to capture a dialog 
or window, only the entire screen. Please submit a patch containing just the 
changes you require for this section.

Many thanks,
Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at
Registered Linux User #375355
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