moin on the wiki

Mary Gardiner mary-sounder at
Tue Mar 15 23:34:18 UTC 2005

On Tue, Mar 15, 2005, Matthew East wrote:
> > I just approached Jeff Waugh off-list and he replied that:
> > 
> > > moin *is* the standard markup format on our zwiki.
> Awesome thanks Mary. So does anyone think it is
> necessary/desirable/possible to communicate this better to the
> community? I haven't a clue how it would be done.

Well, I guess the best thing to do would be to have a WikiPolicy page or
something like that. (There may be one already, probably with another
name.) And then whenever you edit a page to conform to the WikiPolicy,
note it prominently in the change comments.

My experience on suggests that the best way to enforce
style policy is to:

 - regularly change pages to conform to policy with policy comments that
   show up in the recent pages page

 - leave messages for enthusiastic contributors who don't follow style
   policy on their user talk pages (I don't know the zwiki equivalent).

Inter-language policy is a bit harder. I know that the way does it is to require that the people working in other
languages maintain an up-to-date translation of certain policy pages
into that language.


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