
Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at saunalahti.fi
Fri Mar 11 00:43:35 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-03-11 at 09:03 +1100, Nick Loeve wrote:

> So in the end, if we are going to change the whole doc team process as 
> proposed, i think i will have to withdraw too. I don't have endless time 
> to devout to the project, and a lot of time is going to have to go in to 
> setting it all up and still having some documentation to show in the end.
> Nice working with you all! And good luck!
> Cheers
> trickie (Nick Loeve)

This bazar has recently started to look a little too much like a jungle
to me and for this reason I'm out too. I think Sean was doing
outstanding job and I wish he had stayed. On the other hand I don't
wonder he left - I'm sorry to say but in my opinion the quality of
communication and discussion in the documentation team has been going
down lately.

I think that one of the biggest problems currently with Linux
documentation is quality - not quantity. Hopefully the possible future
changes in the documentation process help to bring not only a lot of
documentation, but also documentation that is on par with Ubuntu
operating system in quality.

My contributions for the doc team have been very small so far, so I'm
not a loss for the team (I think Sean was a big one). Ofcourse I still
want to contribute, so I'll go on helping people around me to switch
from Windows to Ubuntu :)

My best wishes for the team!

Ari Torhamo

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